Chapter 12

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Beth sat next to Raven and Monty in the back part of the Rover as Bellamy drove with Clarke in the passenger seat. "Becca's journal is impresive. At 26, she found a pathway to access a human mind." Raven says to the group. Octavia, Jasper and Sinclair sitting across from the three others. "That same year, she had to lock up Alie, because her answer for what was wrong with the world was 'to many people. She was 27 when it launched the bombs." Raven tells them. 

"What did she write about the flames?" Clarke asks, turning around in her seat. 

"Alie 2.0 and the other Alie 2.0. She made two just in case something happened to the first. She saw it as a way to atone for her sins. She designed them, not just to access a human mind, but to merge with one. It could never wipe us out, because it would be one of us. How Beth has it in her, it won't kill her, because it is part of her. Becca put it in herself first, saved the second one for her friend, who unfortunitly died. She altered her genes so it wouldn't reject the implant."

Beth nods. "Bekka Pramheda, the First Commander. Lexa used to tell me stories all about her." Raven nods at Beth.

"The gene therapy made her blood black, didn't it?" Clarke asks Raven. 

"Yeah." Raven says. Beth sighs, nodding.

Octavia looks at Clarke. "How did you know that?"

"Nightblood." Beth says to them. Clarke nods. "That's where it came from. Somehow it became hereditary."

Clarke nods before saying, "Luna has it. That's why we have to find her." Clarke says to them. "If she can access Alie 2.0, with Beth and her flame-"

"She can tell us how to stop Alie 1." Octavia says and Beth nods. Octavia looks over at Beth. "How do you have a flame in you? You don't have black blood."

Beth shakes her head. "No, but before they put the flame in me, they gave me some of Lexa's blood to help it adjust. Even if they don't believe in the science behind it all, Lexa wanted it done. She once told me that something in the back of her mind told her to do it. Maybe that was Becca." Beth explains to them.

"It says here, that the 3 didn't need the black blood to work." Raven says. "Becca had made if for a friend, who was sick. She died before Becca could give it to her." Raven explains to the girl.

"We need to find Luna, quick, before Alie does." Clarke says.

"Bekka Pramheda gets her second shot at atonement." Sinclair says.

Monty stares at the flame, talking, "Get back to the mind pathway. If Alie uses it to upload our minds to the City of Light, then there's a chance my mom's still alive." Monty says to the group. Beth gives him a small frown, a light worrisome look in her eyes.

"That depends on your definition of 'alive'." Raven says to the boy. 

"Eyes sharp. Weapons hot. We're almost home." Bellamy says from his seat as he drove. Beth takes a deep breath, not ready to go back there. She shakes her head lightly, not wanting to go back to the place Lincoln was killed.

Octavia grabs Beth's hand across from her. "It's gonna be okay." She whispers to the red head. 

Beth nods as Bellamy speaks into the radio. "Miller, come in." No one replies as the group waits. "Harper, Kai, you there?" He asks into the radio. "Your rides two minutes out." He says before putting the radio down. 

"Good start." Jasper whispers. Beth closes her eyes, putting her head in her hands, resting her arms on her knees. Beth takes another deep breath, sighing before she looks up and out the front window. 

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