Chapter 15

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Beth stood next to Octavia as they sharpened their swords, they were waiting for the Rover to charge. Bellamy was at the top, checking on it while Kai was making sure no on was watching them all, Jasper was sitting on the hood and Clarke was pacing the other side. "The rover's almost charged. We need to pack up. We'll be home soon." Bellamy says to the group as he jumps off the side.

"Then what? Run away?" Clarke asks the man.

Bellamy walks closer. "We're not running away, Clarke. We need to regroup with the others and find another way to defeat-"

"There is no other way. We need to find another Nightblood. Beth doesn't have enough of the blood in her system for it to work and she already has an AI in her neck. We need another Nightblood." Clarke says to him. Beth and Octavia walk closer. "We need to unlock the Flame. It's the only way to stop ALIE."

Beth sighs as Jasper looks at Clarke. "What do you expect us to do, Clarke?" He asks the girl. Clarke looks over at him. "Walk into random villages asking for their Nightbloods?"

"If that's what it takes." Clarke says to them, answering Jasper. Kai walks over from the back of the rover.

"No, Clarke." Octavia says to her. "If ALIE can find us on the rig. She can find us anywhere." The brunette Grounder says.

Beth shakes her head. "I won't help you destroy another innocent Grounder village." She says to Clarke.

Clarke walks closer. "If we don't find a Nightblood, there won't be any Grounder villages." Clarke says to the two girls. She looks towards Bellamy. "Or a home for us to go back too."

Clarke sighs as Bellamy speaks. "We need to go back home and make sure our friends are okay." He says to the group. Beth nods, agreeing with him. Clarke looks around at them before nodding, walking away.

Beth looks at the girl who was walking away, as Jasper spoke. "She'll be fine, just let her cool off." Kai grabs the bags, carrying them to the back of the rover, Octavia and Beth following with the other ones. Bellamy shakes his head, following them, tapping Jasper's knee as he walks past.

"I'm gonna go check on her, make sure she doesn't get killed." Beth says to them. Kai nods and Beth walks away to go look for Clarke.


Beth soon walks up to Clarke. "I'm sorry I'm not much help with this thing in my neck." Beth says to the blonde.

Clarke shakes her head, turning around. "It's not your fault, Beth."

Beth notices the Flame box in her hand. Clarke holds it out to her and Beth takes it. "Maybe we can put it inside me? Take the one I have in me out, and put this one in me. I still have a little bit of the Nightblood in me, who knows? It could work." Beth says to the girl.

Clarke shakes her head at the girl. "It's to risky, what if it kills you?" Clarke asks her.

"Then I die and you guys find another way." Beth answers. Clarke shakes her head, disagreeing with that plan.

"We'll find a Nightblood who can do it." Clarke says to Beth.

Beth shakes her head. "So, you find another village with Nightbloods, they'd never give their Nightbloods up. Not with Ontari leading." Beth says to them. "Plus, most of them are children, they're not gonna give up their children."

Suddenly, a two men appear behind the girls about to hit them, but right before they could get them, an arrow shoots into both their necks. Clarke and Beth both jump, turning around. Beth looks, seeing Roan walk over. She smirks lightly, but is confused on how the hell he isn't dead yet.

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