Chapter 11

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Read A/N at the end please.



Beth sat across from Kai and Octavia, sharpening her sword. She was listening into Bellamy and the others conversation as they waited for Jasper to get here with Raven. He had radioed them about some chip Jaha was giving everyone. It sounded crazy to Beth, but she didn't think the boy would lie about it.

"I don't understand something about those chips." Monty says to them.

"We'll know soon enough." Sinclair says to the boy. Beth sighs, rolling her eyes before standing up and putting her stuff from the table in her bag. Octavia stood, following her friend.

"Beth, O, wait. You guys can't just leave." Bellamy says to the two girls, walking over to them.Octavia looks at Beth then Bellamy before replying. "Watch us." She says and Kai stands.

"I'm going too." He says to them. 

Beth nods at Kai before going to walk out of the cave but Bellamy's voice stops her. "You heard what Jasper said on the radio, Arkadia is not safe." 

"What Jasper said sounds insane. Pike's gone, we can handle ourselves. Grounders burn their dead." Beth says to the Blake man. 

"I know that. And then what where are you gonna go?" He asks her, looking at Beth.

Beth glares at him. "You don't get to ask me that!" She yells at him. "You are not my brother! You are not my friend! You got him killed!" She yells.

"Beth, O, what do I have to do to prove I am on your side?" He asks the two girls.

Beth's lip quivers as she speaks again. "Bring Lincoln back." Beth says before turning around and grabbing her sword and walking away.

Octavia looks at Bellamy yelling. "Turning Pike in does not make you one of the good guys Bellamy! You did that to save me. Not because you thought what Pike was doing to the grounders was wrong." She yells at her brother. "You got her fiance killed. That was your fault."

Bellamy turns and looks at his sister. "The grounders were starving us out."

"They won't starve me out. A lot of them still consider me their second." Beth tells the man.

"Because you massacred an army that was sent to protect us." Octavia says to her brother.

Bellamy shakes his head. "That army could've attacked at any time and you know it." He tells the girls.

"But they didn't attack, you did that." Kai says. "You killed 300 of my people. You're lucky I don't kill you right now." 

Beth turns back to the boy, looking at him. "You were hurting and you lashed out cause that's what you do. There are consequences Bellamy, people get hurt. People die, your people. Monroe's dead, Lincoln is dead. My fiance is dead! Because of you!" Beth yells at the boy. Beth closes her eyes, forcing away the tears that threatened to fall. Bellamy looks down. She leaves the cave, Octavia, Kai and Bellamy following her.

She walks past Harper and Bryan who were guarding the woods, along with Miller who was on lookout for Jasper and Clarke. "They're here." Miller says as the rover pulls up. 

Beth stops as she sees the rover. She watches as Clarke walks out from the trees. "Need your help!" Jasper yells and Beth runs towards him, who was carrying an unconsious Raven. "We have to get her inside before she wakes up." He tells them.

"Were you followed?" Bellamy asks, rushing over to the boy. 

Jasper shrugs. "Maybe, I don't know." He says to them.

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