Chapter 8

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"Lincoln, where are you taking me?" Beth says, smiling as he pulled her along a path in the woods.

He looks at her smiling. "If I tell you, the surprise will be ruined." He tells the red-headed girl. Beth rolls her eyes, though still smiling at him. "It's just a little further."

Beth nods. "You know if everything we've been through leads up to you killing me. Tell me now." Beth tells Lincoln.

He looks at her, stopping, facing her. "I'd never kill you." He says to her. Beth smiles, kissing him lightly.

"So will you tell me where we're going?" Beth asks him.

Lincoln shakes his head. "No." Beth sighs as he pulls her along a path.

"Wait," Beth says, confusing Lincoln, causing him to turn around and look at her. She smirks lightly before turning him so his back is facing her. She quickly jumps onto his back, laughing lightly as he almost falls forward from the sudden jump on his back from the redhead. She wraps her legs around his waist and her arms on his shoulders. "okay, we can go now." She says. He smiles and lightly laughs at her before continuing his walk.


"Oh my god," Beth mutters as she stares ahead in awe, her eyes slightly widened as she looked at the scene in front of her. She slowly got off Lincoln's back. "It's so beautiful." She mutters as she looked around.

Lincoln smiles at her, knowing she loved it. He was happy she loved it. He's wanted to show her this place for months now but they never had the time, now they did and he finally got to show it to her.

"It's so beautiful." She says to him, smiling at him. Her eyes still filled with awe. The waterfall looked like a blue satin threading with silver as the waves at the bottom were pounding against the rocks. The flowers surrounding were blowing lightly in the wind. Even as it was a colder month, everything was beautiful and still vibrant as ever. A serenity-pool was at the bottom of it, rocks along the water banks. The waterfall flowed smoothly down the mountain. Lincoln smiles at her. "How'd you find this place?" She asks him.

He pulls her closer to the water bank and the two sat down, Beth still smiling. "I found it a few years ago. I was going to visit Luna by the sea and found it by taking the wrong way." He tells her. "I spent a few days here before I left back to my village."

"I wish I grew up on Earth. It would make a lot of more things less complicated." Beth says to him. "Do you think we would have met, had I grown up on Earth?"

Lincoln smiles at her lightly. "I have no doubt that we would have never had met. We would have, somehow." He answers her.

She smiles at him, kissing him lightly. "Ai hod in yu Lincoln Kom Trikru."

"Ai hod in yu Beth Kom Skaikru," Lincoln says to her, kissing her again.

She pulls away lightly, whispering in his ear. "You want to go swimming?"

"You don't know how to." He says to her as she stands, taking off her jacket and shirt.

"Then you can teach me." She says, smirking before pulling off her pants, leaving her just in her underwear and bra. She turns around and walks over to the bank, looking at the water. It was like a four-five foot drop to the water. She looks back at him before speaking. "You coming or not?" She smirks the jumps into the water.

Lincoln shakes his head, smiling before standing up and taking off his shirt and pants before following the redhead into the water. Beth's laugh echoes lightly as he jumped into the water, landing close to her, going under. Beth looks around for him as something grabs her legs, lifting her up. Beth laughs as Lincoln resurfaces. She wraps her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. "Yu laik meizen." He mutters to her. She smiles, kissing him.

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