It's been a long month. January is already fucked up for me but you know what? You guys and writing make me so focking happy. I come home so tired but you guys make me smile. Thank you ~Jae👑
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I glanced at my watch.
I'm early. Richie told me to meet him at the park by 3:00 but I wanted to get there first to see him. I don't know if he knows, but I'm in love with him. Absolutely in love with him.
I know, I know, he's 'The Trashmouth". But he's much more than that. Contrary to what others think, he's not an asshole. I love him. And I'm scared as hell to tell him. He jokes around all the time, so I have no idea how he will react.
I made my way through town (I swear to God if I see the comment) and mulled over just what I'd say.
"Richie, I love, that's stupid. Richie? I'm in love with you. Maybe...Hey, Richie? I'm kinda gay for you...No, that's totally dumb-"
"Where you going, girly boy?"
Fuck. Henry Bowers.
I quickly spun around to face him leaning against the alley wall and glaring at me as he twiddled the bottle in his fingers. I backed up.
"I-I-I was just-" I choked on words.
He threw the bottle against the wall and I flinched as the pieces shattered.
"You're in love with Richie" he sneered. "You're a little faggot, huh?"
He stepped closer and I could feel my breath hitch. I reached frantically for my inhaler as I unzipped my fannypack but he grabbed me and pushed me down.
"G-Get the f-fuck off me!" I screamed as he climbed on top of me.
"Shut up, fag!" he spit in my face, and as I squirmed, he punched my face.
"Leave me alone! Richie, help!" I cried.
Almost 3:30. I've never been so excited to see Eddie, or anyone for that matter. I don't know if Eddie knows, but I'm in love with him. He probably doesn't feel the same, I mean, how could he? I'm the Trashmouth. The asshole. But I really wanted to tell him.
I'm in love with Eddie.
I nearly skipped my way through town as I made my way to the park where I told him to meet me. As I made my way through town, I could hear screams coming from an alley.
As I got closer, my heart stopped. The screams were all too familiar.
I can't explain it, but my body just has these reactions to Eddie's voice. Whenever he talks, my heart flutters. When he cries, I have an urge to kiss his forehead, hold him close, and wipe his tears with my thumbs. When he screams, I feel an uncontrollable rage boil inside me.
And that's how I felt. Pissed off. I ran toward his voice only to find Henry Bowers beating his face with his fists. Its already disgusting to think about hurting someone. But how could he hurt someone like Eddie? Eddie never, would never, hurt anyone. The exact opposite, actually. He makes me feel incredible.
I mustered all my strength and charged at the mullet-wearing asshole. I pushed him off of Eddie and he groaned.
"What the fuck!?" he grunted.
"You stay the fuck away from him!" I seethed.
He got up and lunged at me but I threw a rock. He stumbled, but lunged again. This time he knocked me to the ground and tried to punch me. I reach for a glass shard and drove it into his eye.
"AHHH! WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK!?" he stumbled back.
I kicked him back and he fell backwards.
"YOU STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM EDDIE!" I screamed. "And don't fuck with me! You come near me, or Eddie again, I'm gonna shove that glass up your ass next time!"
He held his eye as he writhed in pain and ran away.
"You okay, Eds?" I said softly as I kneeled down.
"Richie!" he cried, and threw himself into my arms.
"Shh" I cooed. "Its okay, Eddie. He's gone"
I pulled him to his feet and he wrapped his arms around my neck as he cried. I rubbed his back and held him tight. When we pulled away, I cupped his face in my hands.
His tear stained eyes were swollen and purple. His nose was oozing blood and his cheek leaked dark crimson too. His lip was cut up and bleeding and I gently ran my thumb across them before placing a soft kiss on them. His face looked awful, but even beaten up he was still so cute.
"Richie?" he quietly said questioningly.
I smiled as I cupped his face in my hands. He's so beautiful. Eddie is so damn beautiful in every aspect of the word.
"I love you, Eddie. I was on my way to tell you that before..."
"You saved me, Richie. Thank you...but, you love me?"
"Of course I do, Eds. I'm always going to be here for you"
"I love you too, Richie" he smiled, and I kissed his soft lips.
"So...still wanna hangout at the park?" I chuckled.
He giggled before I scooped him up in my arms and carried him off.
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Reddie Nights
Fanfiction‹‹Reddie Oneshots + other ships›› ‹‹Please give credit if you write anything based on my oneshots or use any of my oneshots›› ‹‹©LosverJae›› > Highest Rank: #175 in Fanfiction #4 in Reddie