I might not update tomorrow so here is part 2 :)
Also stupid autocorrect keeps trying to correct my name to has for some reason ~ Jae👑° ° ° °
"He won't make it...it's time to pull the plug"
"This is a kid we're talking about, are you sure? He's only 16!"
"He's been here a week with no progress! There are other lives at stake!"
"Alright...just...make it quick"
I could hear faint voices at I started to wake up. Everything hurt, my stomach, my head, my heart...
Wait...where's Richie? RICHIE!
I opened my eyes and jolted up.
"RICHIE!" I called frantically.
I want to see him, I need to see him.
"Stop, stop, he's awake!"
"What the hell?"
"It's a miracle! Are you alright son? Relax, take a deep breath"
I was surrounded by light and people in white coats. Two were on one side of the bed while a third was checking my pulse.
"What's going on? Where's Richie?" I pleaded.
"Relax, son, he's fine" the third one said.
He was tall, with dark brown hair and gray scruff on his chin and cheeks. He looked pleadingly into my eyes as he tried to calm me down.
"Where am I?" I queried.
"You're in the hospital, Edward. Do you remember what happened?" he queried gently.
I thought a moment.
"All I remember is going to the park with my friends and Richie...him holding my hand...then this, this searing pain shooting through my stomach...was I...was I shot? Was Richie shot!?"
"Relax, son, he's fine. Richard is at home with no injuries. You, on the other hand, well..."
"What is it?" I questioned.
"You shouldn't be awake right now. What seemed like a clean shot at first did internal damage to your abdomen that we thought couldn't be repaired. It's a miracle you're alive" he explained. "How do you feel? You're not bleeding or anything..."
"I...I feel sore, but, I'm fine"
"Well, we'll run a few tests to make sure but, in the meantime, someone should call your friend-"
"Boyfriend" I corrected sternly.
"-Boyfriend, Richard, and let him know the news. Immediately"

Reddie Nights
Fanfiction‹‹Reddie Oneshots + other ships›› ‹‹Please give credit if you write anything based on my oneshots or use any of my oneshots›› ‹‹©LosverJae›› > Highest Rank: #175 in Fanfiction #4 in Reddie