Chapter 1

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Tera looked out into the distance while her blond hair flowed around her in the wind. Fire. The humans had arrived.
This would be the final blow for the forest kingdom, until they could find enough supplies to build it back up to glory once more. She breathed in deeply and let out the loudest cry she could manage. "HUMANS! FIRE!" She screamed out to the village as her long wavy hair bounced around her shoulders.
She watched the crazed elves run around in panic. She could hear the pots falling inside of their huts down below. The elves were shuffling around in their small little cottages, looking around for their most important possessions.
Tera sighed deeply, and then picked up a sac full of her belongings and riches, and memories of her mother.
She suddenly heard her father roaring up at her from outside, so she ran down to meet him.

"Get them all out of here!" He ordered.

"What about you?" Tera asked worriedly.

"Do not worry about me, just get the elves to safety!" Said her father.

Her eyes grew large with fear. "But they will not follow me! You know they hate me!" She cried.

"If you are to be queen one day, you need to start acting like one!" He said harshly.

"I am not a queen! I never will be!" Tera cried again.

"GO!" He said sharply as he turned away and vanished into the smoke.

Tera breathed in deeply as she heaved her sac onto her shoulder and ran off to meet the elves at the border.
She sighed as she took one last look back at the village, her home, with tears in her eyes. "I fear I will not be seeing you again for a long time."
Within minutes the smoke from afar with the blazing flames had become black and had begun to rise from the trees, getting closer and closer. Tera turned quickly and began her journey with the elven villagers.
No one liked her for being a princess, or at least, that is what her father would always tell her. They compared Tera to her older sister Holly, and they all worried that Tera might become like her younger sister, Poppy, who had been terrorizing the kingdom for years, until their father had banished her to the human kingdom to never return to the forest kingdom again.
Tera was always compared to someone, and it was either to be more like Holly, or to be less like Poppy. It never felt fair for Tera.
If Tera did anything, She would be judged. The elves always screamed at her, and said she was horrible, and that she would become just like Poppy, and that she would be banished like her. If that was all to happen the kingdom could be free of her "stupidity".
It had become hard for Tera to breathe, the smoke around her made her feel faint, but she knew that if she were to fall, the flames would swallow her whole.
The cries of the elves around Tera made her feel confident in her decision to leave, and she kept strong as she led her fathers kingdom on her own for the very first time.
The screams of the Elfess', and the wails of the Elfor's, overwhelmed Tera, but through all the pain in her lungs and muscles, She kept on moving forward to the Elemental Kingdom, Though there was a chance they would not take them.
Before long it felt as though Tera's lungs had collapsed. Her muscles ached, and her heart pounded inside of her chest. Her next step led her to a raised tree root she had missed when walking. Tera tripped and her one knee fell to the earthy ground.

"The Elfess has become weak! We shall move on without her!" Garnier, the Sergeant Major yelled down the line.

"But then who would lead us? It has always been the royal family lineage." A villager called back.

"No!" Tera coughed as she struggled to her feet. "No one is going to be left behind. Not me, not anyone." She glared at Garnier while brushing off the dirt that had gotten on her green tunic.

"Clearly you can not take the pressure, you can not lead us to safety when I am a better leader." Garnier said, matter-of-factly.

"No, we will all leave together. No one gets left behind." Tera repeated. Garnier glared at her with his dark brown beady eyes, but they pushed onward towards safety, which would hopefully be the Elemental Kingdom.

As they of the forest kingdom neared the Elemental Kingdom Garnier caught up to Tera again and said, "They will not be expecting us, there are simply too many of us to accommodate."

"The Elemental Kingdom is a great Kingdom. If they refuse, I will deal with it. Then you can live your life, doing what ever it is that you do." Tera hissed.

"Maybe I will take the position as king of this kingdom." He smirked.

"Unlikely." Tera rolled my eyes. "The Elemental Kingdom has not had a ruler quite some time."
Garnier fell silent, and the forest elves walked on into the night.
Alas Tera noticed the bright glow of burning torches off in the distance. "We are nearly there." She announced to the Forest Elves following behind her.

"Yes, we can see that!" An elf snapped back.

History lessons from Tera's father taught Tera that the Elemental Kingdom was bigger than any other kingdom, and that it was also the strongest. It could also withstand the strongest of earthquakes, over and over again.
She smiled brightly as they reached the first village of the large kingdom. Fire danced around them as they walked through the beautiful archway of black stone. From there an Elfess wearing an orange kirtle came to greet them.

"You must be the Forest kingdom, I am Amber, Welcome to the Fire village." The Elfess explained with wide orange eyes and a bright welcoming smile as her curly red hair bounced on and around her shoulders.

"Where can we get assistance?" Tera asked, getting to the point.

"Just continue up to that small stone hut up ahead, you will find Sergeant Magnus there." Amber answered cheerfully as she suddenly seemed to relax her muscles. Her black corset seemed to be tightly wrapped around her torso, causing slight discomfort.

"Will he tell me where I can find homes for my subjects?" Tera asked.

"Temporary homes? Possibly. We are very busy here. If there is a way to shelter your villagers here until your kingdom is rebuilt, Sergeant Magnus will know. If not, he can lead you in the right direction." Amber smiled.

"Thank you." Tera said cautiously as her and the forest elves continued up the arched pathway.
As they made our way to the hut, Tera realized how long they had all been walking that day, and they were all desperate for a break.
Before She knew it, they were at the small cobblestone hut, and She was standing before a dark skinned Elfor who wore a black Baldrick over top of a brown Doublet. He looked like a Magnus, and Tera looked like an Elfess who was about to get help for her subjects.
Now was her time to prove to them that she could be Queen.

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