Chapter 19

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What do you mean I can not do this!?"

I mean, you do not have the rights to do this." He answered.

I am the queen! I have so much to offer, I have already signed my name and I have already given you your payment! What more could you possibly want from me!?" I asked.

I have not gotten anything of some sorts for my the birthday of my wife yet, maybe you can offer me something I can not possibly refuse." He answered.

What do you want!? Jewelry!?" I asked.

Marvelous Idea your majesty!" He cried with happiness. "I will take five diamond studded necklaces, three pairs of gold earrings, ten ruby rings, and one emerald." He answered.

Is that it?" I asked, a growl was emerging from my throat.

Oh! And a diamond tiara!" He answered.

I will give you one diamond studded necklace, two pairs of gold earrings, one ruby ring and that is it." I replied and he shrugged his shoulders. "I will take that scroll of approval from you now, sign your name so I may have my rights, and I guaranty that one of my guards will bring you your wife's jewelry."

Thank you. Here your scroll." He said as he quickly signed.

I hissed at him as he gave me the scroll.
I dragged River behind me and I kept on glaring. He had been very rude, and I did not like being reasonable with rude people.
As we returned home to the palace I remembered my actual tree hut of which I loved.
As I remembered my special hut, I remembered all the hate letters I had gotten, and there was no doubt that there would not be anymore, in fact, there were probably some from left there by the door.
I dragged River down the streets of the elemental kingdom and she looked around.

Where are we going?" She asked.

To our home." I answered.

I thought we lived in the palace." She replied.

Sorry princess but, that was my temporary home." I answered.

I only ever had one home, that was the palace, but I can not wait to see our new home." She replied and I couldn't help but smile.

You are just a little ray of sunshine." I said in a soft voice with a smile still on my face.

I would not say that." She answered and I lifted a brow.

There is nothing I should be worried about, right?" I asked.

Nothing at all, I am just happy to be here." She answered.

I smiled again as I dragged her towards the staircase of my tree hut.

Why are we going up a tree?" River asked.

This is our home, or my home. It is your new home." I answered as I let go of her hand.
She quickly grabbed hold of my hand again and I felt shocked.

I am afraid of heights." She explained and I nodded afterwards to show that I understood her.

As we got to the door I forced her to let go of my hand and when she did she squealed when she thought she would fall. I unlocked the door and she ran inside but she stayed clear of the windows, too afraid to look out. "Home sweet home."

This is not a home I would imagine." She gulped and I rolled my eyes.

Come, I will show you your chamber." I said and she followed me up more stairs.
We entered a chamber filled with many windows, making the chamber a bright and beautiful place. River stayed by the door, away from the windows. "It is fine, you cant even see how far up we are." I assured her and she slowly made her way towards one of the windows in her new room.

She gasped. "Wow! It is so beautiful."

I know." I replied as I looked at the flowers on the vines hanging from the tree around my hut. There were all sorts of colors, the whole rainbow in fact. Red, violet, green, yellow, orange! Every color you could imagine was out on those vines and trees, but the best part, was the light that shone through the trees, creating a bright glow of colors into River's new chamber.

I love it!" She cried out in happiness. "This is the best place ever!"

That is why I am giving it to you." I replied.

You are the best mother ever!" She said and she gave me the biggest hug I had ever gotten.

I was surprised from the hug but I enjoyed the feeling of knowing someone loved me. "It is time you go to bed."

Why can I not just stay up a little longer?" She asked.

The look she gave me pierced into my heart as I tried to resist the temptation to say yes, but I could not hold it in. "Of course."

Yay!" She cheered as she ran around the chamber.

But you need to calm down, otherwise I will send you to bed earlier." I explained and she skidded to a stop and jumped onto the bed.

Ok." She answered and I smiled.

Do you want milk? I can get you some from my neighbor." I offered her.

No thanks mommy." She replied as she sat in front of her window.

I smiled at her sitting on the cold wooden floor. "Do you want me to buy you some wool slippers for your feet?" I asked.

No thank you, I like how the floor feels." River answered.

Just making sure that you are settled in nicely." I replied as I partially closed the door. "I will be back when it is time for you to go to bed."

She yawned. "I am tired."

I smiled as I walked over to her. I picked her up gently and I laid her on her bed. I tucked her in the best I could and I walked over towards the door. I started closing it and she shot up.

Please do not  close it!" She cried.

Why not?" I asked.

I will feel lonely, the evil, it will come to get me." She whimpered.

I smiled. "The only evil that is in this room is not actually evil, they are fairies looking for a friend to play with every night. They are the loneliest creatures on this planet, they love when the children on the bed sleep near them, it is like they have a small little torch to keep the dark from closing in on them." I explained.

Really?" She asked. "But I thought that fairies were happy?"

Yes, they are, but some are not, and I will leave that story for tomorrow night, after I find someone to teach you." I answered.

I want you to teach me, if you know all about fairies and evil, you are the smartest mommy in the entire world!" River replied.

Hearing her call me mommy made me feel happy. I had never felt as if I had someone. "We will see when tomorrow comes, now get some rest." I answered and she laid back down and closed her eyes as I left a crack open with the door.

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