Chapter 3

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It took quite a lot of time but Tera had finally found her tree hut. It was the 538th tree from the start of the village. It made her angry that all the elves had left the hut of the "Evil One" for her.
538 was the numeral of the evil god, Draven, who had lived to the age of 538. Draven would have lived longer if it had not been for the four Elfors who had trapped him in stone many centuries ago. Their names were, Clive, Elf of the North, Ranger the elf of the west, Easton was of the East, and then Jonah, elf of the south.
All four elves had fought bravely together to rid the world of Draven and his evil. Their rulers gave them riches for their bravery and sent them up to the stars as gods. After the Great War, the four elves were never seen again, but it was said that they were forever up in the stars watching over all of the elves, waiting to defend their continent once more.
The legend was called "The Four Elves of Bravery", it was a story Tera had always adored as a child, but ever since her younger sister Poppy had been forced out of their kingdom, Tera had never wanted to hear that tale ever again, but now, she had to stay in her hut, where most villages did not even acknowledge this evil numeral. They would skip the hut all together.
Tera awoke suddenly to a knocking at her door. She could hear some sort of sound that faded every few seconds outside, footsteps possibly.
Tera opened her door and looked around curiously, but there was no one around. It had been pouring outside, and the aftermath of the rain left mist around the tree. She sighed before looking down, and to her surprise, a scroll laid weakly in front of her, dampened by the rain that had damaged it slightly.
Tera gently picked it up and felt how soggy it had become from being out in the rain.
She carefully unraveled it and all She could read was the most terrifying word, Dead. Tera's heart thumped loudly within her chest and She gulped. What did this mean?
She read through the letter carefully, reading over every name of the elves who had died fighting for her kingdom.
She looked over all of the names again, only five elves had survived. That was terrible to hear, but her Kingdom did have an unusually small army.
Tera looked at the names of the dead, once again, and gasped in horror. How had I not noticed my fathers name?
King Oak, Tera had never liked his name for reasons having to do with an old oak tree.
Tears came to her eyes, and She began to sob. He was gone, my father was forever gone.
Tera had started screaming out at the world in Elvish curses, nothing at all seemed to matter to her at the moment. She ran outside where it had begun raining once again. Tera looked up to the sky crying, rain poured down onto her face, her tears stung her red eyes.
She collapsed to her knees. All She could hear was the other elves in the village, crying over their lost loved ones. There were not many "lost" soldiers, but most of the forest elves had been related.
Tera wiped her tears away, and She calmly went back inside where She lit the fire with some flint and steel, one of the very few things that she had taken with her.
She growled at the burning flames slowly forming, She screamed at it. She was mad that it had destroyed her home, and It might have also been a reason that her father had died.

Why does my life have to be this way? Why have the gods given me such a punishment? What have I done to deserve this?
Tera pitied herself. For some reason the great elven gods had decided that she was not worth the great gifts most elves had been given, instead, they had given her the great gift of disappointment.

Tera crawled onto her bed and curled up into a sad little ball. She sat there and continued to cry her heart out.
She had no family left that loved her. Her eldest sister Holly was too good for her, and Poppy, she had been banished away.
Tera never could understand death, and She never would. All She wanted was her father since he had always known what to do, and he had loved Tera, when she had been a young elf, but that love had faded years earlier when She had grown to an age of responsibility.
Tera could hear the wind wailing outside as She cried along with it, she ignored the strands of blonde hair sticking to her face. She felt as though her tree was her only security.
She ignored the many knocks at her door the last few hours for the reason that she was sad and had decided it was past time for the torches to be out for the night.
Tera stared at a wall in her hut blankly, just wishing that the wind would rip it from the structure, and break it down, rescuing her from her own misery, but every moment that she spent sitting, She was becoming even more depressed than She had been the moment before. Every breath that Tera took sent her into more tears, and every thought sent her to a horrifying dream that she hoped would send her to her grave.
She cried there until She heard someone yelling at her door. Tera stayed silent as the yelling grew louder, and She could soon hear someone ordering for her to go outside.
Who would that be?  Tera thought. Her torch was out.
She did not feel comfortable leaving her bed, but She knew that She could not just ignore whom ever it was outside of her hut.
Tera got up from her bed and made her way to the door, but hesitated. Something inside of her held her back from opening the door.
She did not want to see who was waiting for her on the other side.
Tera peeked out the side of the glass window and her jaw dropped.
There was an Elfor outside, holding a knife covered in blood. Small pieces of fabric hung from it. Tera covered her mouth in horror as She moved away, as quickly, and as quietly as She could manage...

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