Chapter 2

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Sergeant Magnus, a stocky elf with deep red hair, looked up and down at Tera, then proceeded to look at a scroll in his hand. "Well well, this must be Princess Tera of the Forest Kingdom." He said sounding unimpressed.

"Yes, My apologies Sergeant, my father should be here, but he had to stay behind to fight. I am what he sent." Tera replied.

"I see." Magnus said. "Well I am sorry, but we can not help you here." He turned back to his hut to walk back inside.

"Wait! Why not?" Tera asked in shock.

"We just do not have enough space for an entire kingdom here." He said over his shoulder.

Tera grabbed his arm and he turned to glare at her.
"Well in my kingdom we could!" Tera exclaimed. "And I am certain that the Forest Kingdom is smaller than the villages you have around here!"

"No." Magnus finally said coldly.

A handsome looking Elfor with Silver-Blue hair, and nice looking teeth stepped forward. "Sergeant, would you like me to throw her out?"

"No Lieutenant Reaver, she was just leaving." Magnus answered.

"I am not leaving!" Tera snapped. "There is enough room for us, and we need help! We have no where else to go!"

"That is not our problem I am afraid." Magnus said calmly.

"This is not right, my kingdom needs shelter!" Tera said, feeling desperate.

"Reaver, I think this would be a good time to escort this young Elfess away from here."

Tera could hear nervous whispers from her villagers behind her. She looked around and saw Garnier smirking at her. "No!!" Tera thought to herself. "Not while they are watching!"
Reaver approached her.

"I am not leaving!" Tera turned away. "I am not just a young Elfess, I am a leader!"

Magnus looked at Tera, full of boredom. "Why should the Elemental Kingdom help you? What would I get from letting you stay?"

Tera sadly looked down at her small sac that she had around her waist. "All I have are these gold coins from my palace. They are all I have left in the world."

He snatched the sac away from her and opened it up slightly. "You were holding out on me Princess Tera." He said with a greedy look on his face. His deep orange eyes twinkled with delight and mischief. "These will do, for now."

Sergeant Magnus held out the scroll with all the empty hut numerals to Tera. He had the space all along. Tera glared at him as she snatched the scroll from his greedy hands.
Tera finally turned back around as Garnier approached her.

"Did you get us a village, princess?" He asked condescendingly.

"Yes." Tera answered cooly. "You may all choose your own hut." She exclaimed. "Each scroll that I have here has a numeral on it. Choose your hut nermeral, and take your scroll to find your hut. Please form a line, like so, and sign your name beside a numeral on this scroll."
Slowly the forest elves came forward and signed their name's, and before long every last elf had a temporary home.

Magnus came around grinning and said, "Is there anything else you need, your Majesty?"

"No, nothing." Tera glared and looked back down at the scrolls. "I do not presume I will be needing your services again."

"Oh, you will be seeing me though, in fact, We will be having a meeting in the morning." He growled.

"Very well." Tera gritted her teeth. "I will see you in the morning then."
She turned away and made her way towards the Forest village, where the Forest Elves were resting their heads and recovering from the smoke. Everyone had a safe place to rest, while Tera was the only one left to make her way to her hut.
Tera made her way through the forest village, the skirt of her kirtle dragging behind her. It became dark quickly and all she could see were the torches from the other villages. Torches had been banned from their village, as it was too much of a hazard. Fire could easily burn the forest to the ground.
As Tera walked along she found the tree hut with Garnier's numeral carved neatly on it, and she quickly ran up the winding staircase, leading her to an overly small hut halfway up the very thick tree. Tera knocked on the door and waited but no one answered. "Garnier!" She yelled.
Immediately the door opened, revealing Garnier and some sort of weapon on hand.

"What is it that you want?" He grumbled.

"You were our Sergeant Major, you should know where my father is, right?" She asked with high hopes.

"I have not seen your father since we left the kingdom." He replied with his overly long grey and greasy hair flying around in his scarred and scrunched up face.

"Do you know if he made it out?" Tera asked.

"He stayed to fight the humans. Although, I do not know how the humans managed to sneak past the beasts of the forest to start the fire." Garnier explained. "But I do recall that the humans had taken control over The Mountainglores."

"The Mountainglores?" She asked with a puzzled look on her face. "No one has seen a Mountainglore for years."

"The Mountainglores were a very dangerous type of dragon, they were out to kill and nothing more, and they still are, now that we know that they are still in existence. I suppose that the humans found a way to trick them, and once they have fallen into their trap, they would have power over them for good. The humans have their ways at keeping those killers from escaping, and I do not know how. I do not like the unknown." He explained. "It is somehow true, and it is still impossible for us elves to figure out how the humans have gained power over them." He sighed. "We have been wanting to capture them for ages."

"It can not be true. I have never seen the beast, and I certainly have never heard of a human gaining control over dragons." Tera rolled her eyes. "They are supposed to be as smart as they come."

"It is the truth." He answered. "Our army has been secretly fighting them up until we thought they were extinct, we did not want to cause a panic. Now, leave my hut, before I use this on you."

Garnier turned away and slammed the door behind him. Tera glared at his door before turning away herself. She made her way quickly down the steps, and looked back up at his hut where he was looming in the window, watching me.
I turned away and began walking down the narrow path, towards my new home...

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