Chapter 5

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Tera woke up, and forced herself out of bed.
She felt as though her life was crossing the road to death. Everyone hated her, even more, now that her father was dead. He died, leaving Tera to take care of a kingdom that did not want her as their leader.
Tera looked through the ebony made wardrobe, which was filled with new, and far more expensive clothing.
She decided on a sage gown to create the queenly look that any kingdom would be looking for in a queen. Her hair was made up into a simple,braided up-do, which was twined with vine that she had saved from her old kingdom. Tera finished the look by putting on some very nicely fashioned Turnshoes.
She smiled at herself in the mirror. This would make for a good impression, but then again, what was really the point?
She made her way down the winding staircase outside her home, and into the Elemental village, where elves from every kingdom, were running around trading in money for supplies, and scurrying off to their jobs. Tera was dizzy, watching them all, and realized that she would be needing a job as well. She decided that she would find time for that later since she did need one, even if she was their new leader.
Tera kept on walking until she got to the palace. The next meeting would be held there. It looked gloomy, but she ignored that, for her hut was labeled by Draven.
She opened the door, and made her way into an empty hallway. Tera could hear yelling from a chamber, and when she looked inside, there was a fire Elfor yelling at another Elfor like him. It sounded as though they were arguing about the kingdom, but then, an elf whom was sitting in a chair quietly, looked at Tera with wide eyes.

"May I help you?" He asked.

"Yes. I am princess Tera of the forest elves." She answered.

"Yes, I know, we met for a meeting yesterday." He said sounding annoyed

Tera suddenly realized whom he was, but the light of the fire in the room made his face look and older and dimmed. "Oh, of course." She said shyly.

"So. I have called you over for a discussion." Magnus explained. "I have heard about your father, and I have heard, about you becoming queen."

"Yes, and I would rather not speak about it." She hissed.

"I understand, but we must." He answered.

"I need supplies." Tera growled.

"I admire that you have skipped straight to the point." He said.

"What do you want?" The elf princess asked.

"You are meant to become the new forest queen, but you are here. I feel there is no need for you to become queen." Magnus answered calmly.

"What?!" She snapped.

"If you are crowned in a different kingdom, you would be becoming queen of that kingdom, as well as your own." He explained.

"Very well, so I have to wait?"

"No, I mean that you are not becoming queen of the forest kingdom. You are too young, you are receiving threats, and it is for the good of your kingdom." He answered.

"But they need a ruler!" Tera exclaimed.

"Yes, indeed they do, but I am sure that your sister, Holly, will rule the kingdom in your place, she is, after all, the eldest." He explained.

"I suppose that can be arranged, but what do I get in return?" She asked, placing both of her hands onto her hips.

"What would you like young princess?" He asked.

"Nothing." She answered coldly. "We have no deal." She turned away from him. "Ever since yesterday, I have wanted nothing to do with you or your greedy deals, which probably have a trick wrapped around it, where you can somehow end me with whatever I choose, so therefore, I will not take the deal."

"I will give you one last chance to get what you wish from me, then that chance will be gone." Magnus said sternly as small beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"You want to know what I want? I want peace, respect, and how about trust? Can I have any of that at all?" She hissed. Magnus glared at the princess. Tera swept away a strange of loose hair from her face. "I am sorry, but there is no deal." She walked out the door quickly but quietly, and as soon as she had hit the ground outside, she knew deep down that Magnus was no longer in the good mood he had been in when he had thought that he was going to have made a deal with her.
As Tera walked around the village, she suddenly felt colder and she noticed an Ice Elfor walking around nearby. "Can I help you?" Tera asked as she approached him.

"No, I am sure that you can not." He answered coolly.

"Well, maybe I can." She replied.

The Elfor sighed. "I have been sent here by my queen to find something special." He explained.

"What is the special thing that you are searching for?" Tera asked.

"None of your business." He growled.

Rude, She thought before turning around and walking away.

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