Chapter 13

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The storms stuck around for months, and, a ball was still held every night for the elves.
That very day was the end of the year and the storms were finally over; it was the time for me to visit the fire kingdom.
When a kingdom was to reopen its gates, all kings and queens, were meant to go to that very kingdom to visit and observe on how things were playing out in the newly changed kingdom.
I had received news that Magnus had been spotted as king of the fire kingdom, and it had left elves of my kingdom in shock.
I sighed sadly, wishing the news had not been handed out like it was nothing.
I picked up my leather sac, and I headed down the hall before one of my subjects stopped me in my tracks and took away my baggage without saying a word. I sighed sadly and continued my walk to Catholina.
She was a beautiful brown pinto horse, fast and loyal too; I would never choose another horse.
I carefully climbed onto her back and she started our journey with her famous running speed. It would not be a long journey, for it would take the morning and only part of the afternoon to get to the Kingdom of Fire, and so, it would be a pleasant journey.
Hours passed by like fire spreading. I arrived at the gates of the kingdom, and they were opened for my arrival, I was welcomed inside.
Some of the fire guards escorted me into the palace, where I was taken to my chamber, while a stable Elfor took my horse into the stables. I was quick to hope that the visit would be alright, and not anything worth worrying too much about.
As the day passed by it got slightly colder, and I smiled as the night crawled closer, for that would mean that I would be able to work on my project. The stars showed up and I smiled as brightly as what was shining down on me. The cold wind broke through my coat and I shivered. Though it was the fire kingdom, the wind was still harshly cold and could easily cause a mild cold if you were to stay outside too long without the proper attires for the windy nights.
I smiled at the moon as I walked down the long and narrow alleyway, that was somewhat quiet, and, undisturbed. I could hear laughter of the beggars who lived in the alleys, and I shivered in fear, for one might think to attack a wealthy lady like myself, it was already bad enough that I was alone.
As the wind blew me up against the walls as I walked, I could not help but wonder what might be going on in the world around me. I was so caught up on my own thoughts, that, I had not had any time to look around and listen to all the chatter going on in the kingdoms.
While I was deep in thought, I failed to notice that I was not alone in that alley, and I would not know for the future nights to come, where I would take the same way back to my chamber in the Fire palace.
The walk was cut short when I heard a snap behind me, I ran the rest of the way, the palace was right behind the alleyway, so I would hopefully be fine if I ran.
Once I was safe in the dimly lit corridor of the palace, I made my way to my dimly lit chamber where I quickly sat at a desk and examined special crystals and minerals given to me by beggars and the land itself. I could see hints of Barbnia, a rare type of dust that was a very rare ingredient for many spells that witches used on other creatures, mostly to get revenge, and to heal, and sometimes, it was used to create magic for those who had none. I quickly hid the crystals away in a small pouch where it would be kept safe for until I were to use it in the future. The next day would become a day where I would look for more crystals (if I were to remember) to find more magical dust of different kinds.
As night became day, the sun was quick to heat up the fire kingdom. I sat by the lava fountain, carefully keeping my distance from the evil spurting out from the pool it had made. Those born under elves of fire would almost always be immune to the deathly hot liquid that was said to be a gift from Hell.
I watched in silence as my guards chatted around me, keeping me in a safe bubble full of, well, a lava fountain. The guards seemed to be very shocked and fearful, and the word I heard so very clearly, was Magnus. I knew what they were talking about, the rumour that had been spread that he was the new king, except, it was no rumour to the fire kingdom, nor me.
The guards kept glancing at me with great interest and I glared out of boredom. Sadly, they all knew the dangers of angering me now that, they had found out what I had been up to, only the kingdom knew nothing of what I was doing, but those who worked and lived in the palace were quick to know the deathly secrets I had kept. Even though I was making unspeakable potions, those who worked under my command still loved me as their queen, and would protect me until the very end.
As they continued to chat about the rumours, I got up quickly and quietly, while walking away without them noticing my disappearance. I smiled to myself as I left the circle of safety, and I would never let them do that again, unless I were to be attacked, but even then, I would still rather risk my own life than theirs, but that would still be the only time I would ever allow them to circle around me...

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