Chapter 12

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Days passed by and the kingdom forgot about the attacks, it was all history now. The guards had stopped discussing the escape that Magnus had achieved, and all was going well. The elemental kingdom was peaceful, as usual, and a study hall was being built for the children, and other elves who would wish to learn.
War was still going on, but nothing was affecting the kingdom. The elven armies were winning the war against humans, and finally everyone was happy.
A ball was held every night for the past month and would continue to be held every night.
It was not long before a rumour was spread, that the fire kingdom had gotten a new a king. No one knew about this since the fire kingdom had been mysteriously closed off for a while, meaning that something was going on in there.
All this news had made me tired day by day, but I was queen, and it was specifically my job to listen to the news and take care of my kingdom.
Storm clouds started to roll into the clear blue sky. Hard rain poured down, and the wind blew trees to the ground. Elves were scattered across the trails as the sky turned grey. Thunder boomed across the mountains, while elves watched in horror as the glow of a fire appeared in the distance.
The screams of my kingdom signalled that it was time that I were to let them in the palace to stay in chambers. Within minutes, the palace was filled up to the rim with elves of each kingdom.
I listened to the constant chatter in the ball room.
The lanterns were lit bright but still flickering from the wind breaking through the small cracks in the main entrance.
I smiled at the guests walking around nervously, slowly losing themselves to the rich tastes of the palace, and the safety that it gave them.
I could see all of their emotions by their eyes, movements, and words. They had gone from fear to relief being in the hands of safety.
As the night went on, I could smell and almost taste the grand feast that we had just prepared without warning. All of the guests had begun to whine about their hunger and how cold they were. I could not help but role my eyes at the very spoiled elves staying at MY palace. The cold and dimly lit room was anything but comforting for these elves. I watched in discomfort as my subjects sat around chatting about the horrible storm that had occurred that very morning. I noticed a familiar face and growled angrily. "Hello Reaver, have you finally decided that it is time you fly off to where you truly belong; hell."

Very peculiar that you would say such a thing Tera." Reaver replied with a chuckle.

I am referred to as queen Tera, but you may call me your majesty." I hissed.

How very interesting for you to say that, "Your majesty", but, I am afraid I have interesting news for you." He replied.

What is the news? Is it worth listening to?" I asked.

It is of the fire kingdom."

My eyes widened, and my face lit up as soon as he finished his sentence. That was indeed something worth listening to. "What is it that, I need to know?"

I can clearly see that I have sparked your interest by mentioning the fire kingdom, would you be willing to tell me why?" He asked.

Just, a, a r-rumour, th-that is all." I answered.

I may as well tell you that, the fire kingdom has received a new ruler, and I believe you might like to know who."

No, I feel as though it would be news not worth mentioning, especially with, all of the spies around." I explained with hesitation and thoughts as I spoke. "I recommend that you leave now, and tell him that I will be there to pay my respects."

Reaver nodded but stood still, quietly starring at me. His grin widening as he stood there.

Well, are you not going to get going?"

I am afraid that I must not travel in this horrendous weather." He explained.

Oh I see." I chuckled disrespectfully. "Listen here, subject of mine, if you do not leave here to send that message within the next twenty minutes, I will find you myself, and I will not attend your funeral that I would have caused, on my, own."

He seamed to be slightly terrified at the words I had spoken and quickly dismissed himself before my threat would become the truth.
Even though I had sworn to be a good and fair queen, I still had my dark side, and I would use that as power against those of hate.
I smiled with evil smeared all up on my sweet and innocent face; no one would ever need to know, the dark side of me, for I would never need to use my venom, unless I was indeed threatened by someone who were to seek out my throne.
A low and witchy cackle cane from deep within me, and I shut it down within seconds when an Elfor looked up towards me. I looked down at the Elfor and smiled gracefully as the queen I was, seen to be.
As the night seemed to go on forever, it finally ended with a grand speech, of which I made myself. I had laughed on about the very amusing stories of my childhood, and just as elves got tired, drinks were passed around, absorbed with dark secrets, including a potion, that would send all of the elves into a tired state, where they would go to their beds, and fall into a dead sleep for the night.
I smiled at all of the yawning elves. "Off to your chambers! It is much too late for the ball to carry on, as much as I did enjoy it, we all need our rest."
All of the elves cheered one last time, before retreating to their chambers, where my plans carried out.
No one was to know what I was up to that night, and no one would ever need to...

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