Chapter 6

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As soon as Tera had gotten back to her tree hut, she went upstairs and sat on her bed with a scroll about fire elves that she had found on a shelf, stacked with scrolls on all of the other kingdoms.

The Fire Elves

Fire elves are among the most wealthy of all the elves on the elven continent. Their kingdom is located between the Elemental kingdom, and the Ice kingdom.
The list of the most wealthy and powerful kingdoms is as follows.

1#Elemental kingdom.

2#Fire kingdom.

3#Ice kingdom.

The Elemental kingdom is the most wealthy, and powerful, however, the Fire kingdom provides more, and are also extremely wealthy. The Fire kingdom is known for their strength, their dangerous abilities, and also their romantic personalities.
The Elfors of the Fire kingdom, do the toughest jobs, such as becoming soldiers, guards, archers, blacksmith, and more.
The married Elfess' generally stay at home to clean, Cook, garden, and to watch the children. It is always viewed best if the Elfess' stay home because it keeps them out of dangerous situations. It is a rare sight to ever find an Elfess in the war fighting among the strong Elfor.
The Elfess' that are not married, usually work as painters, bakers, sometimes bookkeepers, and sometimes even a private tutor for elves wealthy enough.

Tera stopped reading in disgust. Even reading just the tiniest part of the scroll, showed how much the Fire elves thought Elfess' were not worthy of such high and strong power. "That is probably the reason Magnus was bored of me." She thought.
Suddenly, the idea of becoming the Elemental Queen popped back into Tera's head. She smiled. "Perfect."
She got up and heard someone at the door. She ran over and swung it open, and to her horror, she was kicked down onto the wooden floorboards and turned over onto her stomach, where she felt something sharp being pressed against her back.

"Are you princess Tera?" Tera's attacker asked in a growl.

"W-what do you w-want?" She asked out of pure terror.

Her attacker suddenly lifted the object off of her back and lifted the princess up into his/her arms. "It is a pleasure meeting you, your majesty, I am Amber, you met me before, and I am your personal guard."

"What?" She no longer cared to struggle, she was too confused that she did not know what to do.

"I am so sorry for my rudeness, but you really should know how to fight back, or at least, try to get away." Amber explained.

Amber's red curly hair tickled Tera's face, and so she swiped it away and glared at the Elfess in her home. "That really is not for you to say, especially in my home, and by the way, I do not need a guard."

"Clearly you do, and it is for me to say since you need to know, and it is my job as your personal trainer to tell you what you need to work on, and what you should start doing." She explained before gently setting the princess down.

"Get out." Tera snapped as she pointed at the open doorway.

"I am sorry your highness. I can not do that." She answered as she took the princesses hand that she had used to point towards the doorway.

"Fine." She said annoyed.

"My apologies your majesty, for barging in and attacking you so suddenly, but my brother does not trust me enough to do something this important, and so I wanted to prove to him that I do have a purpose around here, and when I went to the palace to speak with my brother, I heard Magnus talking to you about needing a guard, So I followed you here." Amber explained while looking at her feet sadly.

"Who is your brother?" The princess asked.

"I already told you."

"No you did not, tell me again."

"Maybe it is a surprise." Amber replied as she crossed her arms.

"Here is a fun surprise, you are going to help me become the queen of this kingdom." Tera exclaimed.

Amber's jaw dropped but she was still smiling. "That is a very strange request, you must not be serious."

"I'm dead serious." She stared into Amber's eyes. "And, if you do help me, I will make sure your brother does not know, and once I am in power, I will make sure he knows how powerful you can be and how important you really are."

"He is very important here, and very powerful, he could have me killed." She explained wide eyed.

"Well, he is not powerful or important to me. I am a princess, and unless he is a prince or a king, I have no cares towards him." Tera replied.

"I warn you princess, this is not a wise decision." She warned.

"You are still going to help me with this." The princess answered.

"Why should I listen to you." Amber asked as she tightly grasped Tera's arm.

"Because, no one like Magnus should be making all of these important decisions, he is a greedy Elfor, and if the idea to become king popped into his head like it came to my mind, he would do it without any hesitation." She explained as she pulled her arm away.

"Tera, Magnus is m-

"So will you help me take the throne?" She asked.


"I will give you the best position in the kingdom if you helped me."

Amber let out a long sigh. "Alright fine, I will go along with your plan to become queen. When do you plan to take over?"

"Tonight." Tera answered with a sparkle in her eyes.

She seemed to hesitate with her words. "Whatever you choose to do, I will help and follow you." Amber replied as she tied her hair back in a high braid.

"This is why we will be great allies." Tera giggled happily.

"Get the supplies together, we can not just walk into the palace and take the crown, you will have to take the time to sneak in, because if you are being escorted in, it will not be wise to be anywhere near the crown, Magnus does not want anyone to take the crown as their own, he says that it is for the kingdom's safety." She explained.

"Well, that is very selfish of him, he should let elves talk their reasonings to him for why they want the throne." Tera explained as she found everything useful she could use. Her and Amber then left the tree hut and disappeared into the darkness of the forest...

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