Chapter 1: A Complicated Beginning

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Zainab, the first daughter of Alhaji Sadiq had two sisters, Ummi and Hadiza. She's 5'6 tall, very slim almost skinny, fair with a long nose and slim lips, her eyes where just normal.
Zainab Sadiq lovely as she was, has been struggling for an admission into the University for 3 years. She graduated from Kaduna Capital School. Her mother separated from her father due to a misunderstanding when he first married Hajia Binta. Her father divorced her mother when she was pregnant with Ummi, later on when Ummi had grown up, she came back to live with Alhaji Sadiq. Hadiza is Hajiya Binta's only daughter with Alhaji Sadiq though Hadiza has other siblings from her mother.

He was tall, 6'0 inches, he was good-looking and dark in complexion. She asked him again the second time "Abdul ina za ka kai ni? (Abdul where are you taking me?)"
He kept his eyes on the road while he answered her "na ce miki wurin wata family friend namu, na bata labarin ki ,shi ne tace na kawo ki ta gan ki.(I told you I'm taking you to meet a family friend. I told her so much about and she wanted to meet you)"
He parked in front of a black gate and dialed her number, he tried 3 times before she picked up "muna waje (we're outside)" he said to the person on the other end of the line.
They waited for 15 minutes and nobody came out, Zainab didn't say a word, she sat playing with her phone as he was making small talk and she answered him. Zainab and Abdul met a month ago through a mutual friend, and at once Abdul sent his people for a marriage proposition, Zainab was tired of her home which was a living hell with her step mother pulling the strings, so she agreed to marry Abdul. A man she knew little about.
They waited for 30 more minutes before the gate open and she came out. A lady chocolate in complexion (wankan tarwada) average in height, 5'4 inches or thereabout. She was neither chubby nor slim but her figure was an awe (Tabarkallah), her eyes were bigger than Zainab's, but her lips were slim. Fateema wore an ankara gown fitting her curves, showing off her figure. She wasn't prettier than Zainab but she was nothing less than beautiful. Zainab starred at her while she walked towards them one foot in front of the other, she wanted to swallow but she couldn't.
Abdul walked towards her while Zainab came out standing by the car. "Fateema masu kasa, manyan mata masu juya gari, wa ya taba ki mu taro shi, ganin ki ganin kudi, taku daya daula, gimbiya sarauniyan mata. Ga amarya na kawo miki ki sa albarka. (Compiments. Meet my fiance and give your blessings)
She flushed and then looked at Zainab, rolling her eyes she said "au kece amaryan tamu, toh Allah ya kawo ki lafiya" (oh so you're our bride to be, may Allah make your journey here safe) those were the only words she said to Zainab and they continued conversing forgetting her presence, and completely ignoring her.
They stood there for 30 minutes or thereabout not minding her presence, Zainab opened the car and waited inside, after another 20 minutes he met Zainab in the car and they left. She couldn't say a word and neither could he, they drove in silence . He stopped at her home, she dropped off and went inside without so much as a 'sai anjima' (goodbye) from either of them.
The door opened, she walked in and shut the door behind her, finding her way to her bed without saying a word to either of them. Hadiza and Ummi looked at each other, it was unlike their sister to behave rudely.
Some time passed and no-one uttered a word, finally Hadiza said "Malama lafiya zaki wani zo kina wani bude wa mutane hanci?" (Are you ok, see how you came in and started opening your nose for people)
Zainab refused to answer her, again she said "haba Zainab, ba halin ki bane wallahi, ko kyau bai miki ba, waya taba ki kuma?" (Haba Zainab, who upset you)
Through her fury and anger zainab turned to look at them knowing well they were expecting an answer "waye kuwa idan ba Abdul ba" (who else if not Abdul) they waited in silence for her to finish the story, she looked down for a moment and continued "dan mugun rainin hankali ya kai ni wurin wata wai 'family friend' sannan suka dinga tadi a gaba na, ko kunya bai ji" (he took me to a girl saying she was his family friend and then the kept conversing in front of me)
Hadiza and Ummi exchanged worried looks, "tabdi jam, kika kuma tsaya baki mare wawaiyan ba?" (And you didn't slap the idiot?) said Ummi sounding furious.
Hadiza stood up and sat near Zainab "wallahi i told you, it's too soon ache zaki aure wannan mutumin, sister you know nothing about him, wallahi kiyi ma kanki shawara na gari, ki dan jinkirta bikin nan" (wallahi I told you, it too soon for you to marry this man, you know nothing about him, give yourself the best advice and delay this wedding)
Ummi replied to Hadiza "wani daga biki Hadi? Ta ci uwar shi dai ta nuna masa matsayin sa, don ya san cewa ba ko wani iskanci zata dauka ba" (delay what wedding? She should deal with him so he knows she wont tolerate nonsense)
Zainab reasoned both her sisters' opinion for a moment and finally said "honestly I don't know where to begin with this issue, Baba will not even look at me idan naje masa da wani maganan daga biki, sai dai kawai shi Abdul din idan yaji ni shuru kwana biyu kila ya hakura ya sa a daga bikin" (baba will not even look at me if i go to him with this, I'll just ignore Abdul, maybe he'll decide to cancel or delay the wedding)
One week later...
Zainab is still avoiding Abdul, he came home to see her 3 times, and she refused going out, he called her phone several time but she wasn't answering. Zainab didn't want to marry anyone who disrespected her even before marriage, but she didn't know how to tell her father that she was no longer interested.
On a Saturday morning Zainab and her sisters were working in the kitchen when Hajiya Binta came in and started throwing accusations that her money was stolen, she kept saying terrible things about Zainab's mother "kun dauko halin uwarku na banza ko? " (you inherited your mother's ill character) she kept repeating.
She insisted that the money was taken by either Zainab or Ummi, because as she said, her daughter doesn't steal. Zainab was fed up and tired and she was upset that her mother was being dragged in the middle of something she knew nothing of.
She walked out of the kitchen "gaskiya na gaji" (honestly I'm tired) she muttered. Hajiya Binta followed her steps "eh lalle wato zaki yi aure kin fara raina ni ko, bari idan ubanki ya dawo sai ki fada mishi kin gaji" (oh so because you're now getting married you no longer respect me right? Wait till your father comes back, you can tell him you're tired)
That night Zainab called Abdul, they talked for a long while and both pretending that nothing happened. Then he asked her if it was OK for him to move ahead to the next level, to set the date (Sa rana) and at that very moment she decides she was ready.

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