Chapter 42: Thoughts

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Abdulmaleek woke up with a weight that felt like the world on his shoulders, it wasn't official yet but they were closing down, there was very little still keeping them in place. He sat up straight "Ya Allah deliver us from hardship"
Adilah travelled to Dubai with Lala on a shopping spree, and she had been taxing him even from there. He was worried she wasn't taking care of herself properly like any pregnant woman should, but there was nothing he could do. Adilah does what Adilah wants to do.

Its been two weeks, their plane should be landing in Abuja today. He got to his feet and to the bathroom to take a shower. 10minutes later he came out fresh as ever, he got dressed and went straight to the dining area to have breakfast. Amina was setting up the table, she was wearing a long night gown which was supposed to be covering her body but it really wasn't, he could see the shape of everything in it's place around her body. Abdulmaleek swallowed hard, why would Adilah leave him alone with a maid this appealing. He wished she was dirty and ugly, then maybe he wouldn't be having such a hard time staying under the same roof alone with her.

He took his eyes off and changed his mind about having breakfast, he took his keys and reached for the door. Her thin voice came from a distance approaching him "Ina kwana?"

Without turning around he answered her "lafiya lau" he continued towards the door

"Na gama abincin fa"

He honestly needed to get away from her to get some sanity but he was hungry and it was already 11am. How would he block these insane desires? should he eat home or eat out? Thoughts. He decided to man up and eat home "Ok toh"  he didn't want her to feel bad after making such effort.

Turning back to the table his eyes immediately looked where they shouldn't, he looked away immediately. His thoughts where corrupted but he wasn't about to let it corrupt his actions..

He didn't care how Adilah would react, she was going to take the girl back to wherever she took her from, whether she wanted to or not.
Abdulzahir carried Teemah almost lifeless to his car. He driving as fast as he could without getting them into an accident. What have i done now? it wasn't a question he wanted answered. He knew exactly what he had done.

He rushed her to the emergency unit, where she was immediately taken to be examined. He was forced to wait.

Later the doctor declared that she had slipped into a coma, her brain was affected and it'll be a miracle if she could survive the damage to her skull, they did everything they could to stabilize her. Abdulzahir stood in the hall way thinking of the weight of what he did, he couldn't really remember that last time he cried. He pressed his shaking hands against the wall, his eyes turned red and 3 hot tears cracked his cheeks. Perhaps the tears would wash the blood away, perhaps regret would wake her up, and perhaps the love he had for her would heal her up.

It wasn't a question whether or not he still loved her, he did. But maybe she deserved this for what she did to him, maybe she deserves to die, maybe he should walk away and never look back or maybe he should finish her off and make sure she never takes another breath in this world. Just thoughts, angered thoughts that kept running through his head. All the things she said kept running through his head, for how long has she been doing what she was doing. "I tried to tell you so many times since we were kids.." her words came rushing through his head, he realized that it meant his father had been molesting her when they were kids.

He picked up his phone to do what he knew was absolutely inevitable, call her mother and make up a story.

"Look who decided to show up" Tahira's voice echoed loud enough for Zainab to hear her down the stairs.

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