Chapter 9: Fighting Fire with Fire

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It's was 7pm and she was all dressed to go out, she wanted to leave for Kaduna tomorrow, she missed him so much she can't delay leaving any longer. She didn't plan on telling anyone at home she was coming back, this visit was mainly for Abdulzahir.

She walked out of her hotel room and headed down stairs. She wore an ankara fitted gown as usual those were her normal outfits. She tied her scarf "Ture ka ga tsiya" as usual, her weave down her back almost touching her hips, she wore high heels and a clutch bag. She never wears veil,  they always felt like too much work.

She came down and head straight to where her Kia Cerato was parked, she went inside and started the engine. She should call him first, but she always had a flair for dramatics, and she wanted to have the element of surprise. She headed straight to his office in wuce 2, she knew they close very late, but the oga would be leaving sooner than everyone else.

She parked outside, where cars were parked and she headed straight for the receptionist, everyone's attention suddenly diverted to her, yes! That's exactly what she wanted, Fateema dropped her clutch on the desk and smiled at the receptionist who was a dark female with medical glasses "Hello! Can you please inform the Barrister that Fateema is here to see him."

She picked up the landline by her side, she knew exactly which of the Barristers the lady standing before her meant.. The boss! "Hello, sir. I have a Fateema here for you" something he said made the receptionist looked at Fateema thoroughly. "No sir."

The receptionist dropped the phone and said "I'm sorry miss, he's... " before she finished Fateema interrupted "let me guess, busy in a meeting? Well call him again and tell him i won't take no for an answer, you can stress that i won't leave without seeing him"

The receptionist picked up the landline again "Sir! She insists on staying." something he said displayed a relief on the receptionist' face, probably because Fateema was there before and she knew she was trouble. "come with me please"

She stood up from where she sat intending to lead her to the office, but Fateema raised a hand "i can find my way" the receptionist started to protest "miss it's a formality that i.."

Fateema cut her sentence short " I said I'll find my way"

The receptionist arched her eyebrows "please miss he's not in his normal office, i was instructed to bring you to a private chamber"

Fateema felt a rush of disappointment, this isn't how she planned this out but fine "alright"

They followed the staircase and she took her to a room on the corners where there was no activity "he's in there"

Fateema felt a bit nervous, he wasn't going to murder her and hide the body, was he? No those only happened in movies. She opened the door and there he was sitting on the couch beside the table "Fateema what a lovely day, what can i do for you?"

She walked towards him and sat on the couch next to his "Barrister, always a pleasure, i wanted to discuss your son"

He frowned "There's nothing to discuss, and i warned you about visiting me in my office, why don't you want to heed my warnings?"

"Look I've pleaded and I've pleaded for you to let us be and you've refused, i came here to warn you, i will take your transgressions public" she tried as much as she could to look serious and deadly, he was a lawyer, she knew he could easily maneuver through the whole thing.

He laughed "My dear child, what transgressions? How do you expect me to allow you marry my son, when you've shared my bed, besides i can't sacrifice being with you to my son, i enjoy your company a lot"

She felt a rush of anger "Child? You pig!"

He laughed again "Fateema please, you can't keep coming here, i will give you whatever you want, and there are a lot of men out there, just marry someone else"

She didn't know when her anger overtook her and she shouted "i want Abdulzahir!!! if you won't let this go, I'll tell him everything"

He sat up as if he suddenly understood the level of her threat "And how then would he marry you?"

"He loves me" She boasted

"Fateema, i know i did not raise a fool, and my son will marry whoever i choose, now get out of my office" he ordered angrily

She smiled "if you won't let him marry me then i have nothing to loose" she showed him a photo she snapped while he was sleeping "I'll start with your wife, then maybe your office, and then your son, and don't think this is the only one, i have tons of your pictures on my system"

He looked as if he swallowed candle and the stick was choking him "keh! Sakariya!! Be careful, akuya bata gasa da kura, remember whom you are addressing, this isn't a movie where you can threaten anyone and get away with it,  i have 101 ways of killing a rat🐀"

"Well" she said calmly standing up "don't think you're the only powerful man i am involved with, you can't touch me barrister."

He followed her grabbing her hands "haba Fateetee, zauna mana, lets talk about this"

"Make me an offer i can work with barrister, you have a client, Dr. Bashir who is the main source of your money." she stated plainly .

He seemed confused "what do you want with Dr. Bashir?"

"As you know i just finished my NYSC, Dr. Bashir has one of the largest private oil companies in Nigeria. I want you to secure a job for me there"

He seemed cautious "I don't have access to his staffing Fateema, how I'm i supposed to get you a job?"

"Find a way, I'm sure he won't refuse a recommendation from his long term law firm. And that's not all, The car you got me is getting old, i want a brand new Kia Sportage, and 20 million wired to my account"

"Fateema! Kwadayi zai kashe ki, where do you expect me to get such kind of money?" He started playing with her hands and smiling, as if he was trying to reason with her

"Honestly barrister you have the means, we both know. You're asking me to sacrifice the love of my life.. It'll cost you." she pointed out boldly as she toiled with the edges of her hair "And i want an allowance of 500,000 naira every month" she added, she was obviously not asking or negotiating.

He reasoned for a moment and then tried to negotiate with her "listen Fateema i understand that you're upset, but these taxes are just too much, besides i give you more than 500,000 sometimes when we're together. But listen I'll buy you the car, and send you 10million, but i can't send you 500,000 every month"

Fateema took back her hands "I'm not here to play games, 20million or we have no deal."

He smiled and tried to touch her waist  "Haba Fateetee calm down mana, ana tare ai"

She moved fast and warned him "Let that be the last time you attempt to touch me, any relationship i had with you died when you took my love from me. Send me my money and I'll be expecting to hear from you regarding the car" she opened the door about to leave and then stopped "and one last thing, i want you to introduce me to Dr. Bashir, that is non negotiable"

She was about to close the door behind her when he called her back and she stopped "Fateema! Delete everything, let this be the last time you come to my office to threaten me, i won't take it lightly the next time"

She looked at him for a second and then closed the door behind her.

She felt powerful and in control, as if she could make anything happen. She wanted to start a business with the money she requested, and hopefully he'll get her the job. From then on she could depend on herself and not on allowances from rich old men.

One thing was for sure, he won't ever allow her to marry Abdulzahir and now she has to find a way to decline Abdulzahir's proposal ..again.

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