Tyler- Goodbye

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*So this one does have suicide in it. So please, if this is going to trigger emotions, you don't have to read. And if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you. If you ever contemplate suicide, talk to me. Talk to someone. People do care about you*

You and Tyler have been dating since Sophomore year in high school. You two are 20 years old. It felt like you have gotten distant from each other. His YouTube channel picked up and he was an amazing vlogger just like his brother.

For the past couple months, he hadn't even invited me to do things with him and his buddies for his vlogs.

You are at home cleaning a mess in the kitchen that Tyler and his friends left behind. You were so frustrated. You always had to clean up their messes while they went and had fun. Tyler walks into the house and sits down on the couch. You walk in front of him to block the TV.

"Where were you?" You ask.

"Y/n, move. I'm trying to watch this." Tyler replied.

"Really Tyler? You have been gone all day. I come home from my stressful job at the diner and there is a huge mess that I once again have to clean up."

"Really Y/n??? What the fuck is your problem?"

"My....my problem?" You just walk away and go upstairs to your room. You start packing your things. Tyler walks into the room.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I love you. Please don't go."

"I have to Tyler. I can't do this anymore. I can't be treated like this anymore."

He starts crying and his cries turn into sobs.

"Y/n, I'm begging you. Don't leave me....." He fell to the ground.

"Goodbye Tyler...."

You had to leave. You walk out. You go and stay at a hotel.

Within the next couple weeks, Tyler couldn't stop thinking about you. He drank and drank trying to melt away the pain. Eventually, he killed himself. When his friends found him, he was faced down on a pillow holding a note saying, "I'll love her til I die."

You went to his funeral. It hurt you so bad knowing you did this. You caused him to go over the edge. You blamed yourself for everything. You went to the hotel and started drinking excessively. You found an old picture of him and you. You two were so happy.

You found some pills and you took some with the alcohol. You laid down (faced down into the pillow.) Memories of you two flashed in your head.

"I'll see you soon Tyler. I love you." Everything went dark.

Ashley went to see you at the hotel and you wouldn't answer the door. She went to the office and got a key. She got in and found you. You were dead. You were clinging onto Tyler's picture. You were buried right next to him. Now, you got to be with him again.

*So this is not the longest imagine. I have been listening to "Whiskey Lullaby" all day. I fell in love with it even though it is super sad.*

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