Mikey- Unforgettable

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You wake up to your phone.  Jake was calling you.  You answer. 

"Hello?" You say.

"Y/n,  wake the hell up.  Mikey is in the hospital..." He was scared. You could tell.

"What the hell happened?"

"He was driving.  I was in passenger seat.  Someone blew through the stop.  Hit us.  I'm fine.  So is Ademir.  But Mikey needs you." 


He tells you the hospital and you hang up.  You rush and put some clothes on.  You put slip ons on and you run to your car.  You start speeding down the road. 

You hear the magical sound of sirens.  You just got pulled over.  You wait for the cop to get to the window.  You are tapping your foot.  You just wanted to get there. 

He comes to the window.  "Do you know why I stopped you?"

"Yes.  I'm speeding.  But I gotta get to the hospital.  My boyfriend was just struck by a car and I need to get there."

The cop nods and tells me to follow him.  He puts his sirens and lights on.  He pulls ahead, speeding.  You follow him to the hospital.  You park your car and run in.  You go to the front desk and you see Jake and Ademir. 

A nurse takes us to the room.  It felt like it took forever to get there.  When we got there, Mikey wasn't even there.  You and the boys stood in that empty room. 

The doctor comes in and he has a nurse with him.  His face said it all.  "I'm so sorry....  We tried everything."

You fall to the ground.   You burst into tears.  You didn't even get the chance to tell him you were pregnant.    It was his kid and now his son won't grow up with a father.  Jake and Ademir are in tears.  Ademir walks out.

"Jake.  How the fuck am I gunna tell his brother?" You cry out.

"Fuck that!  How the fuck we gunna tell his mother?"

"How is my son gunna grow up without a father?"

"You're pregnant?!?!"

"Yes.  And I never got the chance to tell him..."

"Y/n, I'm going to treat his son like he's mine.  I will give him everything I have.  I will help you raise him.  I promise."

You nod.  You slowly get up.  Jake helps you to your car. He drives your car to Mikey's place.  You walk in crying, Jake behind you.

Mama Manfs looks for Mikey.  She looks at you.  You shake your head.

"Where is he?" She asks. 

You start sobbing.  Tears come to her eyes.  "No.....no.....that's........that's not possible..."

She collapses to the floor. Tyler hears his mom crying and runs in.  He looks around for Mikey.

He looks you in the eyes and you say under your breathe, "he's gone...."

Tears come to his eyes.  He runs to his room and slams the door.  You look at Jake and he nods.  He goes to the bedroom door and talks to Tyler. 

You sit on the floor next to Mama Manfs.  You grab her hand in yours and you say, "You are a grandmother..."

She looks at you.  "W....what?  You are pregnant with Mikey's kid?"

You nod.  "I'm naming him Christian Manfs."

She smiles a bit and hugs you.  "I won't be raising the kid alone tho.  Jake said he will do everything he can for the child."  

"That's good."

She gets up and says she need some sleep.  I understand.  She is exhausted.    Jake leaves the bedroom.  You two leave the house and he drives to your house.

"Jake.....if you are going to help.... I think you should move in."

He nods.   You two walk into the house.   You lay down in your bed.  Jake lays next to you.  You cuddle up to him and you fall asleep with tears in your eyes. 

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