Chapter One

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Their ship was just the tiniest bit too small for Asgard, and so the hallways were always bustling with activity, people lingering around doorways and in the dining hall, along with the walls of a larger room that had been turned into a training arena.

Despite the tight quarters and the abundance of people, Loki felt rather lonely. It didn't help that he was basically cut off from the people.

"Hello, Loki!" Thor sounded far too cheerful, as per usual, and the paler prince couldn't help but sneer at that as Thor entered he room, leaning in the doorway.

"In a merry mood today, Brother? What a shame." Loki was laid in bed, on top of the plush blankets and luxurious duvet, as it was far too early to sleep, and he was still reluctant to let himself do so. He was vulnerable, still healing after such a fight- and, he was sharing a room with the king of Asgard.  Yippee.

It had been a full 24 hours since they had boarded their ship and watched their home burn as they sped off to safety, and Loki had not let himself sleep just yet. Not that he'd be able to.

"Shame? Why would it be a shame, Brother? I am hopeful for the future, and confident we will find a wonderful place to rebuild and make ourselves a beautiful new kingdom." Thor's smile was genuine, that Loki knew. However, he was sure that smile was not because of sudden hope. It was because of something else, another reason, he was sure of that.

Loki, who had been scribbling down notes into an empty journal before his brother's entrance, set down the leather-bound book and the mechanical pen he'd found, placing them delicately on to the metal side table. "Have you come to lecture me, Brother, or have you come to free me of my chains?"

Thor raised an eyebrow at that, stepping farther into the room, closing he door behind himself to maintain some sort of privacy. "Chains?"

With a flick of his wrist, Loki's pant leg was tugged up to reveal a metal band that fit snugly around his rather thin ankle. "Hardly an upgrade from the one you put in my neck. This must be older sakaarian technology. Regardless... the Valkyrie had me put it on. I can't leave the room, or it shocks me- at least that's what I'm deducing. I'd rather not try it for myself."

Thor took a few steps forward, hands on his hips. He almost gave a chuckle. "I wish I could trust you."

"Now, what would be the fun in that?" Loki found himself smirking, arms crossed as he leaned up against the headboard.

Thor simply shook his head, wandering over to the window. Much like a child, he placed both hands on the glass and leaned forward until his forehead touched the cool surface as well, peering out into the cosmos.

"I have a job for you, Loki... but only if you're interested."

The Prankster found himself leaning forward at that, arching a dark eyebrow. "What sort of job? I assume one where not much trust is involved."

"That's where you're wrong, Brother. I'm putting a lot of trust in you for this. We need to show the people that you're trustworthy... that you're safe. Because currently, the popular vote on what to do with you is to put you into an escape pod and shoot you off the ship."

A chill was sent down Loki's spine, and he shivered at the idea. "Banishment?"


Thor turned on his heels, and meandered his way over to the bed, flopping down beside his brother. "As king is Asgard, I've decided to give you a second chance. Which means you must cooperate."

Loki stayed silent, listening in and trying to decide for himself wether it would be worth it or not.

"After such an attack, and with the amount of losses we had, many children have been left without parents." Thor started, turning his head to face his brother, a stern look to him. "You will volunteer to look after them. This is your last chance to prove yourself, Loki."

All was quiet. You could cut the tension with a knife. Loki's heart thumped against his ribcage, and he found himself faced with a decision he was afraid to make.

Stay with the people that never seemed to give a damn about if he lived or died, or go to a place he fit, a place where he felt supported and somewhat cared for.

And the trickster felt like an idiot, saying what he did, but he knew it was the right decision. Of course it was.

"I'll work with the older children... help them mature. I'll teach them the skills they require, and... the proper difference between an act of righteousness and an act of villainy."

His words were forced, although he did his best to hide it. Asgard, no matter how much he sometimes felt otherwise, was home.

Thor seemed satisfied with that answer. He sat upright then, clapping his little brother on the back, a grin gracing his rugged looks. "Good. Now, of course, you will be monitored at all times, and you will have one of those electric thingies in your neck," Thor chuckled, his laughter deep and yet fairly soft, "But I have faith that neither of those will be necessary. You've got to understand that any step out of line and you're out of here. You're still a mass murderer, Loki, despite your apparent and perhaps temporary change of heart."

"When do we start?" Loki's words were soft, and although he was obviously hesitant, he was willing to go along with this idea of Thor's. "And... why children? Do you really think that would be the best fit for me?"

The last sentence had almost a sarcastic spin. Really, Thor's idea wasn't exactly logical. Attempt to win the trust of the people back by babysitting for a few days? Did the thunderer not realize that Loki was homicidal and unpredictable?

The firm hand on Loki's back slid around to his shoulder, a friendly gesture that would usually cause Loki to recoil. But, the gentle buzz of electricity in Thor's touch was warm and comforting, and Loki found himself leaning into the larger man before long.

"We'll see, Loki... But you must promise me. No more tricks. At least not until the people have learnt to trust you a bit more."

"Oh, Brother." Loki's words rolled off his silver tongue as smooth as silk. "You know that I can never keep a promise such as that."

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