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          MAE COVERED HER eyes as sand flew to her face. The helicopter she had been saved in had landed. The girl took her hands away from her face, only to put them back again due to the bright lights that shone in her eyes.

Shouts and hollers filled Mae's ears, causing her to furrow her eyebrows. The girl's eyes finally adjusted to see a massive building in the middle of the desert. Mae glanced ahead to see her friends being dragged into the building while also tripping over.

"Mae! Come on!" Mae's close friend and leader, Harriet, screamed.

The girl was suddenly grabbed by the arm by an unknown man. Mae let out a small yell as she she was pulled on to her feet in the sand. She glanced back to see her friend and the only boy out of the group, Aris, still lying in the helicopter, fast asleep.

Mae shook the man's grip off her abruptly before grabbing on to Aris' shirt, shaking him. "Aris! Get up, man!" She yelled, causing him to open his eyes and sit up.

"Come on, you two!" The man who had grabbed her urged as he took a grip on both their arms.

The two tripped over the sand and over their own feet. Mae groaned and sent the man a death glare. Gun shots broke out and Mae jumped, turning her head left and right till she found the source of the noise.

Numerous men in armour were holding guns and shooting individuals. Mae gasped as bodies fell lifelessly to the ground. She wanted to do something but the grip the man had on her was too tight. She heard screeching - screeching that sounded inhuman. Mae's eyebrows knitted together as she tried to get a better look. But the light blinded her briefly.

Before she knew it, Mae had fallen, landing hard on the sand. The girl let out a small groan before she was yanked up by her arm. "Get up!" A voice commanded, causing the girl to jump.

Mae and Aris were the last ones to be shoved into the facility. The girl managed to get her balance and turned to Aris who's hands were on his knees. Mae turned away from the boy and looked up, her eyes widening as her mouth parted. She didn't know exactly what was in front her, but she knew it wasn't normal.

"Mae!" The voice of Mae's best friend, Hana, called. Hana was a solver, just like Mae, the two ran the maze everyday trying to solve it but they never ran together. Mae looked up to see the black haired girl making her way towards her. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Mae nodded. "I'm fine, Han. Where the hell are we?" She asked as she scan their new surroundings.

A loud boom, sounded behind them and the group of girls snapped their heads behind them to see two metal doors closed. Mae couldn't help but feel trapped, no longer being able to see the sand. She took a shaky breath in as girls around her started to panic.

"Oi! Let's all keep our heads on and not act like a bunch of helpless sticks!" Harriet shouted, causing the girls to quieten down.

Mae and Hana exchanged a glance before making their way towards their leader. "Harriet, how long do you think you can keep them quiet?" Mae questioned as she gestured to the scared girls.

"I don't know." The leader stated, shaking her head.

"We need to find out where we are." Sonya, the second in command, announced.

"Thanks, Sherlock. Where would we be without you?" Mae asked, sarcastically. The blonde smiled sweetly before hitting Mae's head. "Ow!"

"Now isn't the time for your sarcasm, you stick!" Sonya scolded her close friend.

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