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The Truth

AT DINNER Aris and Mae walked into the cafeteria, Mae looking as tired as ever. She never had a chance to take a nap after being tested earlier in the day. Just as she was about to sit at her usual table with Aris, she noticed Thomas and Reed, gesturing her over to the table they were sat at.

Mae sighed, knowing they'd probably wanna discuss what she, Thomas and Aris saw the night before. She bit her lip as she glanced between Aris and Thomas. Truth be told, she wasn't in the mood of socialising.

"Give me a few, Aris." Mae mumbled as Aris nodded, putting his hood over his head.

Mae sat down between Thomas and Newt, banging her hands lightly on the table. "Hey, Reed. How you doing?" The girl greeted, fist bumping the boy who sat with Thomas' group.

"Same old, same old. Bored." Reed laughed as Mae cracked a small smile. "What about you?"

"Amazing. Loving this cafeteria food." The brunette announced sarcastically, scrunching her nose up in disgust as she looked at Reed's tray.

"It's not that bad." The black haired boy tried to persuade for the millionth time.

"Yeah, I'm sure every dish of mash potato with gravy is supposed to look like cow's shit." Mae smiled as Frypan and Newt looked amused.

"Preach." Frypan exclaimed, earning a smile from Mae.

Reed looked at her weirdly before looking down at his plate with disgust. "Okay, that's another meal you've ruined for me. Thanks." The boy shook his head as Mae laughed. "I gotta get back to my group. Don't let her dissuade you too much." He advised as he looked at the boys.

"Bye, Reed." Mae waved, earning a smile from the boy.

"Always a pleasure, Mae." Reed grinned as the two high fived.

Mae smiled as the boy walked back to his own table. She then turned to the group she was sitting with and a took a deep breath in. "How you boys doing?"

"Dandy." Minho smiled sarcastically, earning a small glare from Thomas and an equally sarcastic smile from Mae.

"Tommy here, says you found something weird last night. What do you have to say?" Newt asked as he reached behind Mae and slapped Thomas' shoulder.

Mae looked at Thomas, who looked desperate.
"I think you should listen to him. Unless he, myself and Aris are blind. I'd say what we saw was beyond weird."

"Just because it was weird, doesn't mean they aren't to be trusted." Winston pointed out, earning a nod of agreement from Newt and Jack.

"Bodies get rolled into that room every night and never come out. They're going to keep doing the same thing until they finally get what they want." Mae revealed, hoping it would knock some sense into the group.

"They saved us from WCKD." Newt argued, with his eyebrows furrowed.

"That doesn't mean they can be trusted. I mean, how exactly did they manage to rescue us from a giant ass maze like that? Somethings not right." Mae fired as she stared at Thomas' friends.

"So, what are you saying? They work for WCKD? Because, if that's what you're saying, you're wrong. We all saw that shank with the blonde hair blow her brains out." Minho reasoned, his voice low as he leaned forwards.

"No– I don't know– what's a shank?" The girl asked, raising an eyebrow, earning fed up looks from the group. "As I was saying, I don't know if they work for WCKD or if they are WCKD. But, what I do know is that there's something they're not telling us."

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