Somethings up

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Dottie Pov-
The wind through my hair, the sand between my feet, the sound of waves crashing onto the shore, and the beautiful sunset. Freedom, what a beautiful place this is.

Maid ~ Princess, princess it's time to get up

Huh!? Was that all just a dream. Man, if only it was real and not some fantasy.

Maid ~ Princess please get up
Dottie ~ *groan* Five more minutes
Maid ~ I'm sorry princess but I'm afraid you have to get up now
Dottie ~ Ugh fine *gets up* I guess I should get up before mom and dad come running after me
Maid ~ Thank you for cooperating princess, now it's time to fix your hair and makeup and--
Dottie ~ You don't have to do all that, I can do it myself
Maid ~ Are you sure, because I don't mind--
Dottie ~ I'll be fine, ok
Maid ~ ok princess I'll just go prepare your breakfast, ok
Dottie ~ Ok

It took me around 10 minutes to actually get outta of bed (I am not a morning person) it then took me about 30 minutes to get ready, a new record if I do say so my self.

(This is what Dottie decided to wear)

When I get downstairs to eat my breakfast I can see that mom and dad have already beat me to it

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When I get downstairs to eat my breakfast I can see that mom and dad have already beat me to it.

Dottie ~ Morning mom morning dad
Queen ~ Good morning darling how was your night
Dottie ~ It was good I had the best dream ever
Queen ~ That's nice to hear
King ~ Dottie I advise you to finish eating because you have a lot of work to do
Dottie ~ Ok but how much work can it possibly be
King ~ Well there's princess prep with the royal tutor, resizing your tiara, trying on some new gowns, dance lessons and also witchcraft--
Dottie ~ Woah, woah, woah, you expect to me to finish all this by today
King ~ Oh no, of course not
Dottie ~ Phew, because I was about to say--
King ~ there's still a lot more to do
Dottie ~ Huh!?

My dad hands me a list of things I needed to do and that list was at least 2 feet long and the tasks were written so small I could barely read them

Dottie ~ So what your saying is that I have to finish all this by the end of the day
King ~ That's correct
Dottie ~ But dad that's impossible that'll take me at least two weeks to finish
King ~ That's why I'm saying you should get ready instead of talking back
Dottie ~ Fine I might as well skip breakfast if I want to get all this done on time
Queen ~ Good luck dear and stay safe
Dottie ~ ok mom

(Time skip)

It's around 9 : 30 when I finally finish all the tasks that I had to do. My feet are sore and my back is killing me. All I need right now is a nice hot bath and a good night sleep.

Maid ~ Princess I'm sorry to disturb you but the king and queen would like to have a word with you

Oh come on right when I was about to get comfortable. What could mom and dad want that could ruin my relaxation.

Dottie ~ Tell them I'll talk to them later
Maid ~ Princess it is an urgent matter and your parents need to speak with you imedently
Dottie ~ Fine I'll be there in a minute
Maid ~ ok princess I'll tell them that you're on your way

I get to the throne room as fast as I could because I want to get this over with but just by looking at them something is not right. The color of my dad's face has drained completely and my mom is crying and piercing her nails into her left arm something tells me that the news I'm about to hear isn't something to be happy about.

The King And Me (Dottie x Blaze)Where stories live. Discover now