Two Wolves in a Room

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Dottie's POV

Just standing here looking into his eyes just felt comforting. I don't why but it just does. Out of nowhere Blaze had this smirk on his face and I knew he was up to something.

"Say, aren't you forgetting something." Blaze said.

"Um, not really, should I be remembering something." I asked. What is this idiot getting at.

"You really are dense, aren't you." Blaze mumbled. "You're forgetting about that kiss that owe me."

"Hold up, you still remember that thing, let me make myself clear it was only a joke." I said. Why does he still think I'm going to kiss him just because he made waffles. I know what I said earlier, but did he actually think I was going to actually do it.

Suddenly Blaze cupped my chin and made me look up at him again. I don't know why but I felt as if I was being hypnotized.

"Remember sweetheart, a king never jokes about an important matter." Blaze said while leaning in. Oh god no. Irene if you really exist please stop this mad man.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss." I heard 5 voices which sounded awfully familiar. Blaze must have heard it too, because he let go of me and started walking towards the door. I knew who exactly those voices belong to and I really want to see the looks on their faces when that door opens, so I started to make my way to the door.

Blaze has his hand on the doorknob and is just stood there giving me a silly grin.

"What's the hold up, I literally have popcorn and soda just for this moment and nothings happening, I was expecting some kiss scenes and a baby or two not a cliffhanger." I heard voice coming from the other side. Honestly I'm not even surprised at who the person is.

Blaze didn't seem surprised either and just opened the door and five bodies came piling in.

"Hey Lucinda get off me already, you seriously weigh a ton." Katelyn mumbled.

"I think you should be getting off me and last time I checked you were the one who was gaining weight." Lucinda said through gritted teeth as she glared at Katelyn.

"This is all your fault, June~chan." Kawaii~chan whined.

"How is this my fault when I didn't do anything wrong, all I did was say how this scene needed to be juicy with some more action." June replied with a sigh. "Is that to much to ask."

"Uh guys I think we have bigger problems to deal with." Aphmau whispered while looking up at Blaze and I. Soon enough all of their eyes were on us.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in." Blaze said while giving them a slight smirk.

"Hey Blaze, Your not mad at us, right?." June asked as she gave a nervous laugh.


"Okay then, we're just going to go off and plan our funerals, okay." June said as they all got up and slowly walked out the door.

June was the last one to leave but before she closed the door she turned around and said, "Oh before I forget, I really want to be an aunt soon so can you guys speed up the process and make a kid or two, okay." And then she ran out after slamming the door.

It took me a couple seconds to process what she had said and then I found myself running after her.

"Why June you little... get back here, I'm not playing these games." I yelled as I ran after her.


A couple of hours has passed ever since what happened earlier. After giving June a piece of my mind, Blaze thought it was a good idea to show me around Rhusta and take me out shopping.

The King And Me (Dottie x Blaze)Where stories live. Discover now