Soothing The Beast

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Dottie POV

I was running down the hallway trying my best to figure out where Blaze was. I have been following his scent so it could help me find him. I don't know exactly what the detective said about Blaze's dad, but whatever it was made him snap.

I was starting to get tired so I chose to stop so I could catch my breath. I'm honestly surprised to see Blaze act this way. Even though I've only been with him for a couple of days, it just shocks me. The papers and broken glass in the living room must have been Blaze's doing since he seems to be the only anrgy person here other than Lucinda.

Speaking of Lucinda, I feel bad for her since she's already being accused of committing the crime. When I saw her she had the look of anger and saddness in her eyes which mostly was from the accusation, but I also noticed she had a look of stress and worry. Maybe there's something else that's bothering her.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud crash which made me jump. Its pretty obvious that Blaze was the one who made the noise.

"First the the documents, then the glass coffee table, what's next the wall?" I muttered under my breath as I started walking towards the room where the crash came from. When I got to the door I went yo go turn the doorknob, but that's when I started to hear sniffles and low whispers.

Maybe I should just leave him alone, since he isn't in the best mood, and I'm kind of afraid he's going to throw something when I  walk in.

Just as I was about to turn around to leave I heard a loud thump coming from the room. Before I could even think twice I found myself putting my hand on the doorknob and opening the door with so much force. I was shocked from what I saw. Just like the living room there was paper everywhere, but there was also broken chairs, books on the floor and a hole on the wall. The thing that shocked me the most was the sight of Blaze sitting on the floor hugging himself while crying silently.

"What are you doing here?" Blaze asked suddenly asked in a cold voice.

"I just came to make sure you're alright, but from the looks of it your not." I said as I started to walk towards him.

"I don't need your pity so stop wasting your breathe." He said. Hearing him say something like that kind if broke my heart. It's hard seeing someone who's always cheerful be so upset.

"Save the attitude for some other time, Blaze." I said as I balled my hands into fist. "Look I know that I don't really know what's wrong with you, but if you could just tell me I could try to help you."

"Why do you even want to know, I thought you didn't want anything to do with me so why are you still trying to figure out what's wrong."

"Its because I care about you, you dumb idiot." I yelled which made his ears perked up and turn to look at me.

"You what?" He asked with a sniffle.

"I said I care for you." I said. "Don't start thinking that your special just because I said that, because I care about everyone, got it." Blaze just gave me a smirk and started to stand up.

"Typical Dottie, always acting like she has no love for me but don't worry, one day I'll make you fall for my charms." Blaze said and winked at me.

"Blaze cut the crap, don't try to hide your pain because it's only going to get worse. This isn't just fun and games you know, these are your emotions we're talking about." I said. Why is he doing this. Doesn't he know that he's only going to hurt himself even more.

"Just stop Dottie, there's no point in trying to help me so just drop it." He said as he turned to look at me. "So can you please just-"

"Blaze just shut up already and let me try to help you, I cant just stand here and let you tear yourself apart." I said. Once those words escaped my mouth, Blaze wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close.

"Maybe I should tell you all about my life problems." Blaze said with a chuckle.

"That's literally what I've been saying this whole time." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh really?" He asked.

"Look Blaze, I have the ability to stab you in the kneecap if you keep blabbering nonsense, so if I were you I would get to the point." I said.

"okay okay, jeez hasn't your mother ever told you that its never a good idea to threaten a King."

"She has, now start talking." I replied. I don't know if he's trying to stall or something but whatever he's trying to do its not going to work.

"Fine." He said with a sigh of defeat. He finally broke the hug and took a step back and stared at the ground. "It all started 7 years ago at around 2 am, the week before my birthday. I was having a bad dream and I couldn't fall asleep no matter how I tried so I decided to go to my parents room. When I got to their door I heard a lot of voices but I didn't think much of it so I opened the door. What I saw next changed my life completely. I saw my father on the floor bleeding to death with my mother crying next to him and about 5 guards surrounding 2 others. I rushed over to him and sobbed while saying "Papa don't go" over and over again. All he did was hold my hand and give me a faint smile. 2 days later it was confirmed that he died from being stabbed 14 times and being injected with poison. The following week I was crowned king since I'm his oldest child." Blaze said. "Ever since then I've been afraid to go to sleep and have I have anger issues. For years now June and my mother have been urging me to go see a therapist but I never  listen. I just don't feel comfortable around a therapist it just gives me a weird feeling. To this day I still haven't gotten over the trauma of seeing my father in that condition."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." I said. Who would've thought that Blaze had a dark past. It most be hard to try and hide all of that behind a smile.

"You don't have to say that, its just hard knowing that the person you looked up to the most is gone." Blaze said while lifting his head up. "I just wish his life didn't have to end like that."

I don't know why but I found myself giving him a hug. He just seemed like he needed one. What's surprising is that Blaze is actually hugging me back.

I remember when I was little my mom would always sing or him a little tune whenever I was upset and when I was scared. Something about this hug just brings back those memories. I broke the hug and took a step back to just look at him. I looked into his eyes and he looked back at mine.

You're alone, you're on your own, so what?
Have you gone blind?
Have you forgotten what you have and what is yours?
Glass half empty, glass half full
Well, either way, you won't be going thirsty
Count your blessings, not your flaws

You've got it all
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim your crown
You're in control
Rid of the monsters inside your head
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king again

"Seems like your starting to open up to your fiancé, don't you think that's progress." Blaze said with a smirk.

"You wish."

Things started to get quiet and we still stood there looking into each others eyes.

The King And Me (Dottie x Blaze)Where stories live. Discover now