Why me?

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Btw im changing the way im writing the story for now im might change it back to the way that it was but That's all I have to say so, bye           


"Dad are you ok" I asked feeling a bit worried. My dad fell silent, that's how i know somethings not right. " Dad what's going on" I said feeling a bit angry that he's avoiding my question. There's an awkward silence and then my dad sighs and finally begins to talk. "We've received some troubling news and some of it is concerning you" My dad said "About me!? What did I do" I asked completely oblivious. My dad sighs again and looks straight into my eyes, now I'm scared. "This morning around the time you left, we received a threat from the Rhustan Kingdom" My dad began. "Hold on a minute, did you say the Rhustan Kingdom, you mean the one that literally took over the whole world" I said, What does the Rhustan Kingdom want with Silveria. "That's the one" My father said with a sight "The Rhustan Kingdom wants to conquer Silveria, I'm afraid that they might take over". "Afraid, Dad there's nothing to be afraid of, so they're planning to overthrow us, that's not a big deal we can easily take them and--" "Your forgetting something" My dad said cutting me off. "What's that" I asked being compeletly stupid. "The Rhustan kingdom has the strongest army on earth and their military are far more skilled then ours" said my father shivering as he said those words. "Oh yea I kinda forgot that" I said embarrassed. "Some of the Rhustan's army are circling around Our borders as we speak, Silveria is pretty much under seige" Said my dad. "Ok I get that but why am I included in this" I asked a bit in patient. "The thing is... The Rhustan king has informed us that if we want to prevent all this from happening we must become one of his allies and provide him with a b-bride" my dad said while looking down. "So...What does this have to do with me exactly" I asked unaware of what I'm about to hear. "D-dottie I don't think you understand, the king has already chosen his bride and t-that's...you" said my dad.  "HUH!?" I shrieked "Hold up, so what your telling me is that I have to marry this guy, you must be joking, right?" I said "Dottie as much as I wish it wasn't true it is" replied my dad. "N-no, no, no, no, this cant be happening are you just going to allow this to happen" I said, I hope this is some nightmare because there's no way I'm doing that. "Dottie I don't like it as much as  you do but this is for the sake of the kingdom and--" "So your just going to put your kingdom over me" I said interrupting my dad. "Darling we love you and care for you" said my mom looking up at me still with tears in her eyes. "Its just that, our kingdom is at risk and we cant just abandon it" said my dad. "So your just going to give me up just to save this old brick building because that's how I see it" I said with tears rolling down my cheeks. "Don't say that, you know that's not true were just trying to protect Silveria" said my dad. "You know what I don't care what the Rhustan king would do, I could care less, but there's no way in hell I'm going to marry him, and that's final" I said, then I walked out the throne room leaving my parents behind. I can't believe they'll just give me up to save Silveria, I understand if you're attached to it but I'm your own daughter. I ran straight to my room making sure to close and lock the door. I fall face first on my bed and start to cry. Why just why do things end up like this, Every time I think it's going to be a good day it turns out to be a nightmare. After about 15 minutes I get up and walk to my window. I put my hand on the cold window, closed my eyes and started to sing.

When I was down singing I felt like I had calmed down but I still felt like I have been betrayed. I was about to walk back to my bed to sluck when suddenly an idea hit me.

The King And Me (Dottie x Blaze)Where stories live. Discover now