A brewing Rivalry

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Hello everyone! Sorry it took quite a while for thus chapter, it was actually supposed to come out on the 15th but stuff happened but anyways its here now so let's jump to it.


Dottie Pov

I can't help but feel a wave of betrayal. I know I just met this guy for a couple of hours but he just seem like a person I could trust.

"Is that all your going to say, your not even a tiny bit suprised." He said breaking the awkward silence.

"Oh I'm surprised it's just somethings on my mind that I'm not sure about" I said.

"What is it?"

"Why would some self absorbed, good for nothing guy like you come for a girl like me." I asked. I honestly could care less if I was insulting the so called deadly Rhustan king, someone needs tell him to his face that nothing then a selfish brat.

The room get quiet. Everyone was just waiting to see his reaction. His facial expression looked calm as if my insults didn't affect him, but his fist said other wise.

"I'm giving you three days to pack and say your goodbyes then you'll be coming back to Rhusta with me, got it" he said with such a demanding tone that it made the guards tense and the maids tremble. My parents were just looking at the ground unable to speak.

He started walking away but I'm not just going to let him get away that easily without an explanation. "Hey you never answered my question and also what's your name." I asked which made him stop and look back at me.

"To answer your second question, my name is Blaze and that's the only answer your getting." He said rudely while before averting his eyes back to the direction they were heading.

"Can you stop making a big deal out of it and answer the damn question, like all you have to do is give a stupid answer." I said with my patience running low. Seriously, how many times am I going to ask him to give me an answer.

"If it's such a stupid answer I Don't see a reason why I should say anything." He said. "Now if you don't mind me I thinks it's about time I leave this dump and go meet with people who actually worth my time." And with that he left the throne room leaving an eerie silence.

What's wrong with this guy. He starts off by saving me, giving some great advice then treating me like a piece of crap. Is this how how he treats every girl, starts off having a heart of gold then turning into some shady baboon.

"You're all dismissed." I heard my dad say from behind me. Once everyone left the room, I felt my mom's warm soft hand on my shoulder.

She gave me a warm and encouraging smile then said," Look Dottie I know he's not the prince charming you were looking for, but give him sometime and don't take what he just said to heart he surely didn't mean it,ok."

"I guess tour right." I said with a sigh. "I'll just take a walk in the garden to ease my mind." All I got was a simple nod from my parents then started to head for the garden.


The three days of packing, crying, and saying goodbye is finally over and I think I'm about ready to face Blaze, if that's what he calls himself.

"Princess, time to get up." I heard on of the maids call from behind the door. I honestly hate the mornings, waking up early, getting blinded by some stupid light, and then getting told about a hundred task that I had to do, is so not my style.

"Five more minutes, Jillian." I groan.

"As much as I would love to do that for you, your parents sent me here to come get you because they've been waiting for quite sometime now and your father isn't really himself Whalen he's hungry" said Jillian as she walked into my room. Jillian is one of my personal maids, she's a really good friend of mine and a great help.

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