The Hooded Hero

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Dottie pov
I sneak out my room with a cloak and sword in hand, My idea is to just run away from all this for awhile. I past by a bunch of corridors before I reach a specific door. When I pushed open the door there was a huge staircase leading down waiting for me. The stairs lead to a secret passage only the royal family knows about I would sometimes come here to avoid some of the maids. After walking through the passage I finally reached outside the castle. I decided to head towards the forest because if mom and dad sent the gurads after me it'll take them awhile to find me. I've been walking around the forest for awhile and I'm starting to get killer cramps. I guess this is a sign that I should rest so I decide to go over to a tree and sit down. My eyes started to get heavy but before I could even close them I heard twig snap. I got up immediately and took out my sword, but I didn't see anything.

"Is it just my mind playing tricks on me " I thought

But why am I hearing laughter? Out of no where 3 men come out from behind the bush all with a sword in hand. Who the hell are these guys and why are they even here? "Well, well, well, gentleman look what we've got here" said one of the men "The one and only princess of Silveria, a mighty fine jewel if I do say so myself" "Who are you guys" I asked. "Oh us, why we're just a couple of bandits looking for treasure, and it looks like we found some" said the man.

Ugh bandits I should've thought about that before I ran off. You can never tell what these guys would do to you. They'll either kidnap you or kill you but they'll most likely rape you.

"I'm warning you, don't come near me or else", I said clenching my sword even tighter. "Or else what, you'll scream?", Asked the man walking closer towards me "Pfft your too weak to even handle a swo--". Before he can even finish his sentence I give a deep cut to his cheek with my sword. "I'll say it again back the hell away from me" I said with a tint of anger in my voice. "Wow I'm surprised you know how to use a sword" said the man caressing his bloody cheek "But I think play times over" And with that he kicked me in the stomach which made me fall to one knee. The other two took my weak stage as an advantage and came punching and kicking until I was on the ground helpless. The first Bandit came back to give me another kick to the stomach but this time it made me scream in pain. "Heh, scream all you want but no ones coming for you" said the bandit.

As he saying this I'm starting to feel weird. Why do I feel so dizzy and why is everything so blurry. Right before I passed out on the ground I heard an unfamiliar voice charge in but who is it?

Blaze pov
I was wandering around the forest checking out the terrain and minding my own business. Who knew a small kingdom can have such a huge forest. As I was taking my water break I heard a loud scream. At first I didn't really move but then something told me that I should go check it out, guess it was instinct or something. Since I have really good hearing I got to the exact location with any issues but what I saw completely changed my evening. There were these three guys beating up this girl and the girl seemed to scared to even move. In most cases I would have someone else deal with the issue but I guess I felt bad so I decided to step in.

"Hey I think that's enough" I shouted, and it seemed I got their attention. "Huh, who the hell are you?" asked one of the guys. They must be bandits or a couple of rapist or maybe both. "You'll figure that out soon enough, but I think you should the girl over to me" I said trying to get this over with. "You really think were just going to hand her" said the guy with a laugh "Never" "Look buddy I don't want you to get into a fight you know your going to lose So hand her over" I said. "Do you know who your against, Its literally 3 on 1 so if I wouldn't get to cocky if I were you" he said pointing at his friends. "Oh, I know who I'm up against but I'm not sure if you do" I said with a smirk. "What the hell are you talking about, thinking you can scare us with a couple of words, don't make me laugh." Said the guy. "I'm afraid you wont be able to laugh when I'm done with you" I said. "that's it I've had enough of this bastard, Sean, Mark lets teach this guy a lesson" said the bandit taking out his sword. Looks like its go time.

The guy came running at ready to hit, I stricked first giving him a deep cut to his arm. It seemed like it hurt cause the guy started screaming in pain. The other two looked a bit startled but theyvboth csme back to their senses and started charging at me. I knew they were both goingnto jump me at the same time so I was able to get out of their little trap and give them both a kick to the head. The first guy then came from behind and kicked my back. "Wow, I'm actually you know how to kick someone" I said with a smirk. "Shut up, boy" said the man. He was about to kick me again but I managed to dodge it and give him a lainful kick to the stomach, which sent him fkying straight a tree. With all three downit was kinda obvious who won.

"W-who the are you" asked the guy "Some kind of superhuman". Guess its time to reveal myself. I took off my hood and all you can see were six eyes full of fear.

"The name's Blaze in other words the Rhustan king, and no I'm not a superhuman I'm pretty strong werewolf" I said. "Wait,
y-your the R-rhustan K-king" asked one of the bandits. "The one and only" I said. "W-we are v-very sorry your m-majesty, we didnt mean to fight you, we just--". "You know I can have you all put to death" I said with an evil smile, interrupting the man.
"Y-yes" said the three. "But since I'm feeling kinda nice today so I'll let you slide" I said. "Thank you, your majesty" said the main guy looking relieved. "Now I want all three of you bastards run far away and tell no one of this night or you all will be put to death by my own hand" I said. Without a moment spare they all ran like their life depended on it.

When I knew they were completely out of sight, I walked over to the unconscious girl and crouched down beside her. I brushed some of her dark purple hair out if her face revealing non other than Princess Dottie. "My, my looks like I found my runaway bride" I said with a smirk "What am I going to do with you.

Hey everyone. I just wanted to wish you all a belated Valintines day. Imma be honest I'm not a big fan of it because the color pink and cupid, but I'm actually happy the way mine turned out, so yea, Happy belated Valintines day.
Author~sama out!!!

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