Change Of Events

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Blaze's POV

I barely slept last night, I was to busy worrying about Dottie. Lucinda had called me, after I went to check on Dottie, and she said that the potion was deadly and the outcome could go either way. She's still trying to figure out the some of the effects but all she knows is that Dottie's life is on the line.

I've been getting up to go check on her every thirty minutes just to make sure that she's alright. I don't know, it's just whenever I try to fall asleep I just keep thinking about her and the person who could of done it.

"Okay, waffles, check. Strawberries, check. Fork and knife, check. Coffee, check." I whispered as I stood outside of Dottie's room. Since she's going through a lot right now I decided to why not make her breakfast and bring it to her.

I opened the door to make sure that she was still sleeping but to my surprise she was awake. When I started walking towards her she gave me a dirty look.

"What's that look for, I don't recall doing anything to you." I said as I sat on her bed.

"You didn't do anything, I've just been have a headache ever since I woke up." She said as she massaged her temples.

"Oh, well I can have one of the maids bring you some pain killers but for now here's breakfast." I said as I placed the tray of food on her lap and pick up the fork.

"Wow this looks amazing." Dottie said in cheery tone.

"It may look good but it mostly matters if it tastes good or bad." I said. "Now open your mouth and say, ah."

"Wait what are you doing?" Dottie asked.

"I'm feeding my fiance what else does it look like." I said in a "duh"  tone.

"I could feed myself you know, even though I'm younger than you, I'm not too young to not know how to feed myself." Dottie said as she crossed her arms and pouted.

"I never said you didn't know how but you are pretty young." I said.

"For your information I just turned 19 not too long ago." She said with a proud smile. "And I know for a fact you are not that old."

"Your right that I'm not that old, I'm currently 20 years old, about to be 21." I said. "But in my book your still pretty young so say ah, or I could simply eat it myself."

"Don't you dare use food against me." Dottie said while raising her voice a little. "I could feed myself, okay." She grabbed the fork out of my hand and stuck her tongue out at me.

"Fine, have it your way." I said as I got up to leave. Before I could even take a step away from the bed, Dottie lunged over to grab my hand and looked towards the ground.

"Can you please just stay here a little longer, I don't really like being alone." Dottie whispered loud enough for me to hear.

"I guess that's okay with me." I said as I sat right back down. I watched for a couple minutes as Dottie ate her breakfast, just thinking about some random things.

"Hey I forgot to give you your phone back." I said. "I give it back to you later since I left it in my room."

"Oh okay, these waffles taste amazing by the way." She said with a smile. "I've seriously never tasted anything like it, If I could find the person who made these I  would kiss the right then and there."

"Really now?" I asked with a smirk. Oh Dottie, you seriously don't know what your getting yourself into.

"Well it matters on who the person is, it has to be a guy and they have to be cute." She said as she put her fork down.

The King And Me (Dottie x Blaze)Where stories live. Discover now