Hero Revealed

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Hey guys. Sorry for the long wait I've been going through some things like fake people, family, and relationship issues and don't get me started on my grade. Also the main reason is because of a sickness that I had for awhile. I'm still kinda sick but I'm getting there. Anyways lets get this show on he road and before we start if no one of notice people in the video are none other than Katelyn and Travis so just a heads up


Dottie Pov
It's finally morning, and all I need right now is one of the maids to me out. Last night's beating really shook me up.

Even tho I'm not a morning person because I have to get blinded by some stupid light, the morning always meant a new day full of adventure, but right now I'm feeling nothing but pain.

As I start to eyes Abit I can feel a strange presence. But I'm half asleep so I can't really tell what it is but suddenly I start to feel movement. I look over to my right to see a man of some sort but I can't exactly see what he looks like because of his hood.

WAIT!? Did I just say a M-man?

Who the heck is this guy and why is he here next to me.

On instint, I quickly got up and grabbed my sword, but now I'm starting to hear laughter. "Glad to see you awake sleeping beauty" said the hooded man. "Who are you" I asked, pointing my sword at the man. "Wow, that's a nice way of saying thank you" he said. "What do you mean" I asked.

"Let me explain, I'm the one who saved you from those rapist last night while you were, let's say, having your beauty rest" said the guy.

I guess he saved me from those bandits, like who could've k own what would have happened to me if he wasn't there to save me. "Uh...thank you" I said with a hint of awkwardness. "No problem, but can you put your sword down" the guy said. "Oh yeah, S-sorry about that" I said while sheathing my sword. "Hey, can I ask you a question" he asked.

"Sure, go ahead" I replied, It's ok if I answer his question right, like what's the least that can happen.

"Why are you out here all by yourself" he asked.

"I...uh...live here...in the woods". Gosh I'm such a bad lier.

"Nice try wolfy but I'm not that easy to fool, cuz last time I checked there weren't any kind of shelter in this part of Silveria." Said the guy while standing up.

Damn this guy is mad tall and did I  mention his voice!!! I've never felt so short and shy in my life.

Why am I starting to feel my cheeks get warm? Wait...No, no,no, this can't be happening, like I just met this dude for crying out loud. Let me just cross my fingers and pray that I'm not blushing.

"Hey wolfy are still there" asked the guy. "Uh, Y-yea sorry about that" I said realizing the guy was still talking to me. "It's fine but I was asking you why you're out here running away." He said.

I look up at him with a surprised look on my face, but then I looked back at the ground. "Is it that obvious." I asked.

"Kinda, but when you think about why would a girl like you be here unless you tried to run away and you got lost." Said the man. "Looks like you figured me out." I said with a shrug. "I guess I did but why did you run away in the first place." he asked.

"I can't stand that place anymore." I said "They're always treating like a tool, never giving me a break, always saying it's my responsibility, they're over here enjoying life while I'm here wishing mine was over." At this point I can feel my anger build up and my blood boil. "The worst part is, my parents are forcing me to marry some heartless king like come on it's the 21st century for crying out loud." I yelled. There I said it, I let all my anger out and what did I get nothing.(A/N Yes this is a modern time story sorry if it didnt seem like it)

The King And Me (Dottie x Blaze)Where stories live. Discover now