The Royals

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Dottie Pov


When we walked into the room, we were met by a pack of people. Everywhere I looked I saw the head if every werewolf, meifwa, or human turn to look at us. I'm starting to feel very uncomfortable. Back at Silveria, when ever I go out I would always have a bunch of people watching my every mood and taking pictures of me like they've never seen a girl walk before. If they haven't Irene bless their soul.

"Good evening, everyone." I heard Blaze say. The room was so quiet that you could hear his voice echo. "I'm glad that you were able to attend since it's been awhile. I didn't just invite you all here to catch up but to introduce a someone very special to me. Someone who's laugh brings me happiness and who's smile brings me hope. A person who's always there to calm me down and ease the pain. That person is none other than my fiance, princess Dottie of Silveria.

The whole room erupted in applause and cheers. It was nice hearing those words, but I know that they don't mean as anything it's just an act. In reality I'm I meant nothing to him. In just a toy to him and nothing will change.

When I looked back at the crowd I saw a bunch of smiles and camera flashes and some glares, but the thing that caught my eye was a meifwa with pink hair being restrained by a guy with black hair and a mask, whom I guess is her friend of boyfriend.

"Now with that being said." Blaze continued. Out of nowhere a large curtain was pulled which revealed large tables and chairs, a chocolate fountain, a photo booth, a bar and a DJ. "I have a hired waiters and waitresses to come around and bring you your food and drinks, so please eat, drink, and enjoy the rest of your night."

Once Blaze finished, he grabbed my hand and led me towards a table near the chocolate fountain.
Once we took our seats everyone started filing in.

Five minutes have past and one of the waitresses came up to us, she kept giving lustful looks at Blaze and she was a blushing. Before I could even say what I wanted to eat she started a conversation with Blaze and started to get a little closer to him. I can tell that Blaze was starting to feel a little uncomfortable and he kept sending me pleading glances. Sorry Blaze, but no can do, this is your problem so you gave to find your way out of it and besides I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing I eat. The number one rule in my book is that food comes before anything.

Seems like Blaze got the message and he heaved out a sigh and closed his eyes while crossing his arms. The waitress was about to place her hand on Blaze's shoulder but then...

"Look, I thought your job was supposed to take our orders and bring us our food." Blaze said in a icy tone which made the waitress flinch.

"Oh, um I'm sorry your highness." She said while bowing her head.

"Now if your not too busy cam you take fiance's order, or maybe I could have someone else do your job for you." He said with a smirk.

The waitress turned to me and quickly took down my order and hurried off.

"Wow Dottie, not even going to protect your own fiance, who knows what would of happened if I let that waitress do her dirty deeds." Blaze said while waving his hand around. To be honest he sounds over dramatic.

"Its not my job to defend you so stop acting like a lost puppy." I as I put my head down.

"Well that's rude."

Whatever Blaze. I'm starting to wonder why a lot of people are scared of him he's an average werewolf with a huge ego.

When I lifted my head up a huge group of people came up to our table. Now let me tell you these people look intimidating, it seemed as if they had an aura around them that showed they ranked power and dominance. I really want to know who these people are but I'm still kind of tense, well that's until I hear a very familiar voice.

The King And Me (Dottie x Blaze)Where stories live. Discover now