Chapter 13

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She couldn't understand why she was so upset that George was the unknown user. She should feel guilty that she lied, but there was so much betrayal rolling around in her gut, she couldn't help be angry.

Was everyone's motives impure, including her own?

"How?" Was all she could bite out.

He ran his hands over the steering wheel. "I have another confession."

Eva groaned and rested the back of her head against her seat.

"Remember when you talked about going through tough times on your blog and mentioned an anonymous user on a site that helped you through it?"

"I'm guessing you're him too."

He nodded.

Years ago before Eva even started the blog. The time when she thought about ending her life, she found a website that gave people someone to talk to. A suicide prevention site. It was called, I Am Enough. Eva couldn't remember how she stumbled onto the site. It was more like God had led her to it.

A hint of a smile graced her lips. She can remember the developing friendship with Tobin, the boy who saved her from herself. He was the one who suggested Yours Truly. He really was the person behind it.

"You're not new to the school, are you?"

He shook his head. She looked down at her lap. She really wanted to be happy she finally got to meet Tobin in person. Know who he really was. The site was anonymous. Everybody used fake names. Well, except for her.

"You feel like you're invisible, but I've always seen you. You've just never seen me."

She looked back up at him to find him looking at her.

He was right.

It wasn't until he was rude to her and then asked to sit with her that she even took a chance to look at something other than the ground.

"You never told anyone my secret?"

He shook his head.


"It wasn't my secret to tell."

"You knew this would blow up in my face." She remembered the words he once wrote to her.

"I didn't know how badly it would get, but I knew once you started the web of lies, it would be harder to see the truths."

Eva sighed. "I can't believe you're him...either of them."

"Does that change anything?"

"Yes, it changes a lot." She refused to look at him.

It made her like him even more.

"I guess I'll take you home." His voice was soft as he revved up the car.

The car ride was painful and seemed to take longer than it needed to. Eva staid lost in her thoughts, not even thinking about the way her words took an effect on George. He parked behind her mother's car. Eva rubbed her forehead knowing this wasn't going to end well.

"I guess I'll see you around." George's voice was tight.

She frowned at him. Where did the vulnerable George go? Why had he been replaced with a stoic one?


"Eva, I'm sorry that things aren't working out so well for you because of the blog and I don't want to add any more stress to you, but I can't go back to being your friend. I'd rather go back to not knowing you than not being close to you."

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