Chapter 1

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Like she did every night, Evangeline pulled her long locks in a messy bun and she sat in front of her netbook.

She popped a piece of watermelon gum in her mouth, put her glasses on, and played a random song for the day.

This was her ritual when she needed to prepare herself to write.

She closed her eyes to allow herself a 15 second dance party to "You Can't Win" by Michael Jackson before she focused.

She made sure she was comfortable sitting on her bed before she logged onto her famous blog, "Let's Talk".

Evangeline was only 17 in high school and people of all ages logged on to read her rants to either argue or agree with her. She had started it her freshman year to help her cope with the monsters of her past.

If someone had asked her why she started it after everything that had happened, she wouldn't know what to tell them. But the bright side was, no one would ask her that because no one knew she was the writer of all the posts.

It wasn't because she was scared that the people she offended would come for her or discredit her reputation, even though she didn't have one, but because it started out as a release. A way for her to convey her pain into words when no one would listen to her speak. Or maybe she just didn't know how to say it aloud.

Her once simple online diary turned into a voice for the people about the people after awhile. She wasn't the only one to be oppressed by school's social structure. No one knew her identity. Not even her best friend, Micah. He knew about the blog and would've been ecstatic that she was voicing her opinions, but she just couldn't let anyone know.

After she signed in, the once red light next to her username turned green. NerdbyDay_BloggerbyNight is online.

Let's Talk: So, I checked my recent responses of my last entry and I seemed to have gotten a lot of people stirred up about the prospect of Gay marriages being legalized. I figured I'd let it carry over to today's entry.

Seriously people?

Why is the thought of people being happy such a problem with others? Yes, I know it is a sin in the bible, and I am a Christian believe it or not, but who are we to judge? Not one person that disagreed with me can tell me they have never done anything wrong in their total existence.

How is it that it is legal, in some states, to have relation with animals, but when it comes to same sex it is an abomination? I feel as though if it makes someone happy then let them be happy. I think if we stopped being so closed minded, things wouldn't be so difficult.

Did you know Gay and Lesbian kids are 2 to 3 times more likely to attempt suicide than a straight person? Don't you see what you're doing? Don't judge. If you feel that against it then pray to God for that person.

Do not! I repeat, Do Not make a person feel worse than they already do for having those feelings! That is just plain sad for those who do.

But moving on before I go on another tirade. I was thinking about speaking about the cocky, ignorant guys out there, not all but most. 

It's okay to know you're cute, but to think you are the shit is completely ridiculous. It's not self confidence if you think everyone wants you and you can get anyone you want.


Open your eyes.

I find it hysterically funny when a girl rejects them. They automatically retort, "I really didn't want to go out with her anyway; she wasn't even cute. I was just looking for a quickie." or "She must be gay or something."

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