Chapter 17

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The auditorium clapped awkwardly after Eva stepped down. Her initial speech was thrown out of the window. She just reminded everyone how much they loved Micah.

George greeted her off to the side with a frown. Micah grabbed onto her arm.

"Why?" he asked.

She gave him a small smile. "This means more to you than it ever did for me."


"Let's welcome Micah McKinney." Mrs. Dobbins introduced him.

He gave Evangeline a torn look.

"Go." She urged him.

"I want to talk to you after. Please."

She placed her hand over his to get him to let go and nodded. He backed away from her before going out in front of the crowd.

"Well, I was surprised."

Eva glanced at George. "Yeah?"


"A bad surprise?"

He pulled her close and hugged her. "No, I'm one lucky guy."

Eva wrapped her arms around his neck. "Yeah? Lucky enough to buy me ice cream after school?"

"Lucky enough to buy you ice cream after school and take you to the dance if they decide to have it."

Eva turned red. George brushed his finger tips against her glowing cheeks before kissing them gently.

"Let's wait for Micah out in the hall."

Micah's speech lasted a little longer than Eva's, obviously. People filed out, signalling the end of the assembly. Eva wrung her hands out in her lap as she waited for Micah to emerge. She and George were waiting in the hall on a couple of extra chairs unclaimed by a classroom.

He came out with Mrs. Dobbins congratulating him with his speech. When she saw Eva, she gave her a perplexed smile.

"Interesting speech. Not much surprises me, but what you did today did. Look forward for more of your surprises." She patted her shoulder and headed to the front office.

Eva stood up and waited for Micah to look at her. He stared George down. Eva looked behind her to see George struggling not to give him the same look in return.

"George, can you...?"

He kissed my cheek. "I'll be in the cafeteria."

"Thanks." She smiled awkwardly.

George shuffled down the hall with his hands in his pocket. She looked back at Micah to see that he'd somewhat relaxed.

"Want to sit down?"

They both took a seat.

"Ev, I'm sorry. Things have been bad. I've been horrible to you and...and I'm so sorry."

She nodded. She wasn't exactly sure what to say. She couldn't condone it. What he'd done to her was intolerable. But...but he was her best friend.

Even though the betrayal stung, didn't she owe it to herself to find a way to forgive him? Or at least accept the fact he could be just as callous as everyone else?

"Why?" She cleared her throat. "Why did you do it?"

"It's complicated..."

"Really? Because I don't think so." She shook her head. "I never doubted you until took it from me. You of all people should've known how much that blog meant to me.

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