Chapter 15

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Eva's mom walked out of the office with Mrs. McKinney. Eva's mother still looks like she was seething and Mrs. McKinney looked even more drained.

When she caught Eva's eyes, Eva saw all the remorse there. She walked toward her, giving her mother a firm nod.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. McKinney." Eva apologized.

Eva's mother looked as if she wanted to say something, but she bit her tongue.

"Evangeline, I've known you since you were a toddler. I've seen you at your worst and I've seen you at your best and right now I admire you." She placed a hand onto Eva's shoulder. "Eva, I'm sorry.

"I don't know what's going on with Micah and quiet frankly, he won't tell me. I know this is horrible of me to ask, but only you can get him to talk."

Eva nodded.

"Stay strong, sweet girl." Mrs. McKinney cupped Eva's cheek before leaving.

Eva's mother embraced her. "You make me so proud."

"I love you, mom." Eva squeezed her back.

"Okay, I'm gonna go before I cause an even bigger scene. Your principal said if Micah or anyone gives you too much of a problem, you go to him. Do you understand me? I don't care if you think it'll make it worse, you tell someone."

Eva nodded.

"Alright, sweetheart, try to have a good day. You too, George." Eva's mom kissed his cheek before leaving.

Eva took a deep breath trying to brace herself to face the day. George squeezed her hand.

"You ready?"

A little part of her was afraid, but the support not only George and her mother gave, but her own father and Micah's mother gave her, helped her feel like she could make it.

"Yeah. I'm ready."

George walked to her first classes before giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you later?"

She blushed, still trying to get used to him. "Definitely."

He grinned and tapped her nose. She watched him disappear down the hall before she actually stepped into her classroom. Everyone looked up from their assignments. Some go back to what they were doing. Others stared long and hard at her. She clenched her fists and took a step forward.

She could do this.

"Good morning, Evangeline." Mr. Hopskin greeted her.

She cleared her throat and smiled. "Morning. Sorry I'm late, I was in--"

He raised his hand to stop her. "No need. They called me. Have a seat. We're working on page 346 in the textbook."

"Thanks." She went to her seat.

She was beyond relieved she didn't have to blatantly have to say what went on in the principal's office.

"Prude." A girl hissed lowly at Eva's back.

Eva dug her nails into her palm and turned toward the girl. The girl's eyes widened. Eva couldn't imagine what kind of contortion her face had taken to express her irritation.

"If you have something to say to me, be woman enough to say it to my face." Eva spoke through clenched teeth. "That goes for anyone else as well." She snapped at the other students that was glaring at her.

They all turned to their assignments, whispering to each other. Eva looked at the girl behind her to see she was also avoiding eye contact. At the front of the classroom, Mr. Hopskin smirked. A faint blush painted Eva's cheek when she makes eye contact with him.

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