Chapter 2

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"That wasn't funny." Micah grumbled during the drive back to Evangeline's house.

She sat in the passenger's seat still dying with laugher. Every time she tried to sober up and look at her gullible companion, she started in on another fit of laughter.

"I'm so sorry, but you should've seen your face. It was priceless!" She barked through laughter.

"No, it wasn't Ev. You know how I feel about that story." He flinched at the memory.

Evangeline did remember all too well. Micah's brother, Tristan still harassed Micah even when he was away at college. Eva finally calmed down and settled in a fit of hiccups.

"I'm sorry, Micah. I didn't mean to upset you. I won't do it again, okay?" She raised a brow as her body jolted with a hiccup.

"Yeah, I guess. Karam got you back with hiccups."

Evangeline just rolled her eyes.

"Hey, do you think Yours Truly will post again tonight?" Micah asked randomly.

Evangeline wondered was that all he thought about in the depths of his mind. She looked at the clock and decided against it. It was getting pretty late. She would just reply to comments tonight.

"I don't know. I doubt it, but you never know their circumstances."

Micah just shrugged and pulled into her drive way. "See you tomorrow." He smiled.

"Are you driving tomorrow?" Evangeline questioned from the open window after she had gotten out.

Micah sat in his seat as he mulled it over. "Maybe. Depends on if I get to talk to the blogger again tonight."

Evangeline rolled her eyes and shook her head before saying good bye. It was beginning to get hard dodging Micah's personal questions to NerdbyDay_BloggerbyNight without sounding like herself too much. Some nights, like tonight, it began to get borderline annoying. She hated how obsessive he could be about things. Maybe she should be rude with him to get him off of her back.

Eva trudged up the stairs to her room and sat at her desk with her laptop. She let it come to life as she got her things ready for a shower. She made sure everything was opened, except the blog, before she went through her "getting ready for bed" process. After she'd braided her hair back and slipped on her comfy socks, she settled in for replying.

Let the blogging begin.

American_Pie: I totally get what you're saying up until the guy issue. I think that some guys are different. Maybe you should try looking in the right places.

Evangeline scoffed. He was assuming she was a girl.

NerdbyDay_BloggerbyNight: @American_Pie You suggest like I'm looking? Maybe all guys aren't the same, but they are all hardwired the same. It's human nature to crave sex, but females tend to have more self control. Well most anyway; which is a higher percentage to your meager "some guys" comment.

TotallyMary!: I think you're being inconsiderate toward your friend. You should've apologized. Why do you assume she is the faulty party? Plus we like challenges so that's why we chase after the people we can't have.

NerdbyDay_BloggerbyNight: @TotallyMary! I will not apologize for my opinion or for me trying to warn her. I have a right to my own actions, for example this very blog, and if she didn't like it then she wasn't worth keeping. I shouldn't have to apologize for being who I am and what I stand for. And with the challenge thing, it's not a challenge. Be honest with yourself, you just want to be alone. And if that isn't true than you are desperately holding onto false hope. How about challenging yourself not to be shallow?

The night continued to go on like this. Evangeline figured she'd get a ton of hate mail, but it was expected when she voiced her own opinion. She received an instant message from Micah as usual. She was happy to know he had made it home safely instead of crashing because he tried to keep up with her posts.

M&M: Hey

NerdbyDay_BloggerbyNight: Sup?

M&M: So I was wondering (skipping straight to the point) are you a male or a female?

NerdbyDay_BloggerbyNight: It matters because? Is my opinion any different depending on my gender?

M&M: You must be a girl

NerdbyDay_BloggerbyNight: ....How do you figure so?

M&M: Thank God! I would've flipped. I just know my knowledge with the ladies (;

NerdbyDay_BloggerbyNight: Has anyone ever told you that you were annoying?

M&M: :o Don't even fight it. You want me (;

Evangeline cringed at the thought. She shook her head and quickly signed off. Micah was relentless sometimes. Eva never imagined being with Micah. It would be expected because of the close bond they have with each other, but she view him like a big brother she never had. Anything romantically, would make her gag.

Her phone buzzed. She anticipated it to be Micah letting her know she was home, but shockingly, it was a notification from her blog. Someone had messaged her and, again with the shockers, it wasn't from Micah.

"I like the way you think," was all it said.

The username came up 'Unknown' and when she tried to go to the reader's own blog, she came up with nothing. No bio. No profile picture. Not even a post. They were just as mysterious as Eva.

Who the heck was this 'Unknown' person?

However, Eva found it sweet that they enjoyed her take on things. She closed her laptop as she yawned. Her body's way of telling her that her blogging time was over and it was time for bed.

THE NEXT MORNING came extremely quickly and Eva's alarmed screamed until she woke up, slamming her hand on top of it. She got dressed in a t-shirt and jeans with her favorite sneakers. The usual for her. She grabbed her glasses headed downstairs for breakfast.

Neither of her parents were home. They both spent most their time working. Her mom ran a boutique and her father worked in some corporate building.

She grabbed a banana before dialing Micah's cell.

"What?" He groaned into the phone.

"Good morning to you too, Sunshine. I see you are still sleeping." Evangeline took a bite of her fruit.

"I wish, but some people love to wake others," he said sarcastically.

Eva glared at the kitchen wall. "Whatever. So this means I drive today. Better be ready in 5." She went over to the family key box and grabbed the last ring left. It went to her red bug.

"Make it 20 and I'll buy breakfast." He shamelessly bribed her knowing she couldn't resist the idea of food.

"Fine, but no minute later or you're going to have to pay for lunch too." She could imagine Micah was rolling his eyes on the other line.

"Yeah, whatever." He hung up the phone before Eva could send back a retort.

Sometimes she could strangle that boy.

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