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One year later...

"Eva, George is here!" Eva's mom called.

Eva groaned. "He's early!"

Of course he was. She should've known. She tried to put the last finishing touches on her appearance before rushing downstairs.

Since it was her senior year, Eva invested in a new wardrobe, contacts, and surprisingly make up. Her mother had help her break her constant mission to be a wallflower. Now and days, Eva actually felt like she was her mother's child.

George was waiting by the stairs as always. Eva tackled him. He laughed and swung her around.

"No, swinging in the house." Eva's mom joked.

"Sorry, Mom!" Eva rolled her eyes and pressed her lips to George. "Hey."

"Hello to you, too."

"Ready to go?"

"Definitely. Bye, Mrs. Michaels!" George followed behind Eva out of the door.

"Bye, Mom!"

"You guys be safe!" She yelled back.

George drives them out to a restaurant.

There were candles and clinking of silverware among the soft music. Eva had never been in a place like the one they were in before. She thanked God she didn't feel undressed in the flowy dress her mother convinced her to wear.

Eva glanced at George wide eyed."Fancy?"

"Fancy." He brushed his lips against her temple and led her to their table.

They enjoyed their dinner and the celebration of their first full year together. Everything was fantastic. George was fantastic. They had their moments where Eva thought they wouldn't make it. She remembered the endless nights she'd cry and her mother would convince her it would be OK.

The makes ups. She remember them having their first time together. It wasn't that long ago. She truly truly love him and she hated that she felt like she was going to lose it soon. Eva picked at her brownie.

"What's wrong?" George asked.

"This is our last year..."

He smiled and took a bite of her dessert. She pouted.

"Stop worrying about it."


"But, nothing. We can talk about this later. We still have to make it through senior year."

Eva's bottom lip poked out further.

"We still have time, Evangeline."

She waved him off and sat back in her seat. "Fine. Fine. What else do we have planned for today?"

He smiled. She loved it when he smiled at her like that.

"I have a special place I want to take you."

After the day celebrating, mostly done alone...in private, George drove Eva home.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He whispered in her ear.

She kissed him like he was the best drug in the world. To her, he was.

"See you tomorrow."

After a shower, Eva pulled up her vlog and looked over the recent comments.

It was like the old days. Her notification for messages pinged. She pulled it up.

Micah_K: Hey...

Eva stared at the message.

There was no doubt who the sender was. It was the first attempt of contact from him since the fall dance.

She chewed on her pink nail not knowing what to do. She honestly didn't want to respond.

Micah transferred schools over the summer. Eva didn't know until the year started. Eva had deleted him out of her life and sadly enough, her life had been better. She couldn't decide whether or not being friends with him had hindered or helped her life.

She deleted the message and closed her laptop. Going downstairs to the living room, she found her mom curled up on the couch with a book in hand. Ever since the incident, he parents had spent more time at home than they used to. It comforted Eva to know she always had their support.

"Mom?" She whispered.

Her mom looked up at her.

"What's up?"

Eva curled up beside her mom, so she laid beside her and hugged her. Setting her book aside, her mom wrapped her arms around Eva and brushed her fingers through her hair.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Eva shrugged.

"Did something happen with George?" She probed.

"No. No, tonight was fine. It's just...Micah messaged me tonight."

Her mother took her time responding. "That's a name I haven't heard in a while..."

Eva didn't respond. Instead she played with a loose thread on her sleeve.

"Did you respond to him?"

"No...I didn't want to..." Eva looked up at her mom. "Is that bad?"

"No, sweet heart. It's OK."

"I kind of miss him..." She whispered.

"That's OK, too."

Her mother told her before missing someone was a part of moving on. Eva had came to realize that she couldn't move forward if she decided to go backwards. She couldn't go back to the girl she used to be. Especially not the girl she was when she was friends with Micah. She'd come too far for that.

Hopefully, Micah would understand that.

The End.

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