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Erika's POV

"So why are you mad at Lexi?" Chance asked me, as we waited for our food at Panera. 

"I'm not necessarily mad at her, it's just the way she's been acting. She's in her own world and she's not gonna get anywhere being there." I explained, my voice low.

"That's a little harsh, isn't it?" He stated.

"I just feel like it's best to leave her alone for awhile, at least this week, so she can figure it out herself that she's in the real world now. Literally." I said, referring to the fact that she was in a coma and was just dreaming all that stuff.

"You can't blame her coma for that. She couldn't control if she went into a coma or not." Chance said, clearly annoyed. 

"Enjoy." The waiter walked over, setting our food down on the table.

"Thank you." Chance said. Using my knife, I cut my sandwich in half. We finished our lunch and paid.

"Ready to go babe?" Chance asked me.

"Yes, thank you." I said, standing up, as he took my hand, intertwining his in mine and we left the restaurant. 

Lexi's POV

"Do you wanna stop at Starbucks before we go?" I asked Franny, as we carried our shopping bags from various stores around in the LA October heat. 

"Sure, there should be one just around the corner." She answered, as we continued to walk, and sure enough, the familiar green and white mermaid lady sign was glowing on the front of a small building. 

"After you." Franny giggled, opening the door for me. 

"Thank you m'lady." I joked. We got inside and stood in line to order our drinks. It was now around three in the afternoon. I scanned the menu and went with my usual order. 

"Hi, what can I get you today?" A male voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked at the boy behind the counter, realizing it was now my turn to order. I took a few steps forward.

"Hi... I'll get a venti Strawberry Acai Refresher please." I told him as he pressed a few buttons on a screen. 

"Is that all?" He asked, looking up. 

"Yes." I smiled.

"Okay, that will be $3.79." He said. I handed him four dollars and moments later, he handed me the change back. I moved over to the pickup area while Franny ordered. Once we had gotten our drinks, we left the rich-smelling café and began to walk back to the car when Franny spoke up.

"Did you see that boy??" She gushed.

"You already have a guy Fran!" I exclaimed. 

"I know, he was looking at youuuuuu. " She laughed.

"Well I didn't notice!" I lied, taking a sip of my cool, refreshing drink.

"Mhm..." Franny hummed in response as she opened the trunk and we loaded our bags of clothes and makeup and other things inside. We got in the car and Franny started the car.

"Thanks for today girl. I had a lot of fun." I said, buckling my seatbelt before taking another sip of my drink.

"My pleasure. I enjoyed it too. And before you go you need to give me your number so we can keep in touch!" She said, turning out into the street from the parking area. 

"Of course." I smiled. I pulled my phone from my purse, which I hadn't checked the whole time Franny and I were out, to see a few text messages from Erika. 

12:05 pm Er: lexi

12: 30 pm Er: where r u

1:47 pm Er: r u busy???

2:30 pm Er: i need to talk to you about something... 

I began to type, replying to Erika's messages, but then stopped and deleted what I'd written, deciding I would just call her when we got to the house. A few minutes later, we were already on our street and I could see the house from about a block away. Franny parked the car and opened the trunk, so we could grab our purchases. I took my PAIGE bag, my Nordstrom bag, my M.A.C. Cosmetics bag, my Nike bag and my Barnes and Noble bag, shut the trunk , following Fran into the house.

"We're back!" She called out, setting her bags on the table in the dining room. 

"It's about time, you two were gone for like four hours." Corey said, taking a bite out of a slice of pizza. 

"So? We had fun!" I said, as Franny and I exchanged glances. 

"Damn that's a lot of bags!" Jc exclaimed, shocked, as he appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Fran said, taking off her shoes, as did I. 

"I'm gonna go take my stuff upstairs." I said, grabbing everything and walking past Jc to go upstairs. I took the turn into my room- sorry, THE room that I'm staying in- and set my bags on the bed, my Starbucks on the side table. I went to Erika's contact and pressed the phone symbol. I put my phone to my ear and it rang a few times before she picked up.

"Hey Lexi..."

"Hi Erika. What did you want to talk to me about so badly?" I asked.

"Oh, right. Well... you and Chance broke up right?" 

"Yeah... uhm why?" 

"I don't want you to be mad..."

"What, does he have a rebound already?" 

"Actually... a girlfriend, so I guess yeah." 

"I'm not with him, why would I be mad at you?"

"Because I'm his girlfriend.

I was silent for a moment.


"Erika. I am over him. I'm not with him. He's a self-centered ass." 

"So you're okay with it?" 

"No. I don't care that you're with him. But the fact that you did it behind my back, while I wasn't even in the same city or even state without telling me is what makes me mad. You didn't ask me if I was okay with it before you did it. You didn't ask for my approval."

"Why would I need to ask for your approval? He's not yours!" 

"I know but we made a promise!" 

"Fine... I see."



"Mhm." I said, pressing the button to end the call. I groaned in annoyance. I really don't understand why she would-


I stood up, walking to the door and swinging it open, to see Harrison standing before me. He smiled.

"Hi." I said, stepping to the side so he could come in.

"How was your afternoon shopping with Franny?" He asked, walking over to the window and looking out, I following him there.

"It was great, we had a lot of fun. The Grove is a lot more expensive than I thought though." I sighed, glancing behind me to the stack of bags resting on the bed. I laughed a little, looking back at Harrison. 

"Oh well." He winked. My smile faded slowly as we just looked at each other. His eyes flickered down to my lips for a long second, a small smirk playing on his lips, and I'd seen enough romance movies to know what happens next... 




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