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Kian's POV - CONCERT DAY 4:00 PM

I was printing off all the concert tickets from my email when I heard commotion coming from Franny's room. 

"Shit!" I recognized the voice as Lexi's. I got up and walked down the hall to Franny's room. 

"Babe?" I knocked on the door and then I heard laughing.

"Yeah?" Lexi answered, peeking her head out of the door. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, trying to look into the bathroom. 

"Yes, but you don't get to see my outfit until I'm done getting ready! I'm almost done." She said.

"Fine." I laughed, walking away and down the hall to Jc's room. I knocked a few times before opening the door. 

"Jc?" I called. 

"I'm in here!" He said, leading me to his closet. 

"Is everyone meeting here and then we're taking Ubers?" I asked as he sifted through all his shirts that were hanging up. 

"Yeah, people should start showing up soon." He told me.

"Lexi and I are flying out tomorrow morning to go to her parents house." I told him. 

"Kian we were gonna film tomorrow." He turned around.

"I know, Jc. But this is important." I said. 

"So is filming!" He looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Filming can wait." I argued, walking away and making my way back to my room to see if all the tickets had printed. I was about to sit down at my desk when I heard a quiet knock on my door. I turned to see Lexi standing there. She was wearing a pair of tight black shorts, a lacy black crop top, and black heels. Her long brown hair cascaded in curls down her shoulders. 

"Do I look okay?" She asked, looking down at her outfit. 

"Okay? Lexi you look... stunning." I said, walking up to her and placing my hands on her waist. 

"Thank you Kian." She smiled. "You on the other hand need to get dressed." She said, placing her hands on my chest.

"Go pick something out for me to wear then." I told her, and she excited walked into my closet. I collected the stack of tickets from the printer and folded them neatly in half. A few minutes later, she returned. 

"Put this on." She ordered, handing me a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and my black and white stripe button up shirt. 

"Yes ma'am." I winked, walking into my bathroom and shutting the door. I looked in the mirror, satisfied with the outfit. I stepped out to see Lexi looking out the window and she turned when I came back into the room.

"Well hey there handsome." She smiled, looking at what she chose for me to wear. She walked over to me and undid the top two buttons of the shirt.

"That's better." She said, our eyes meeting. I leaned in to kiss her when I heard the doorbell ring, causing me to groan. 

"You should probably get that." Lexi said, and I grabbed her hand as I started to leave, pulling her with me. I opened the door to see Corinna, Tana, and David standing at the door. 

"Hey." I greeted, moving aside so they could come in. 

"Girl you look so good!" I heard Tana say to Lexi as they hugged. 

"Oh stop, you look better." Lexi laughed. I went to reach for my phone but was surprised when I didn't feel it. I went up the stairs to go find it and practically ran into Corey and Jc, who were on their way downstairs. 

"Tana, David and Corinna just got here." I said to them. 

"So only a few more people and then we're ready to go..." Corey said out loud.

"Yeah, so make sure you're ready to go and same for Bobby and Franny." I told them. I went into my room and checked around my room for my phone until I found it in the bathroom. I heard the door open again and new voices enter the house. I fixed my hair in the mirror quickly before hurrying down the stairs. My eyes landed on someone and I instantly felt my stomach drop. 

"Hey Lexi, it's nice to finally meet you!" The brunette smiled.

"Andrea, hey!" Lexi said, hugging her. I looked at Jc and gave him that 'why did you do this' look, to which he replied with a shrug, before talking to Dom, who'd just arrived also. I saw Lexi look at me before walking past me and up stairs, I following behind her. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" She whisper-yelled. 

"I didn't know, if I knew then I would've told you." I reassured her. 

"How did you not know that your EX was coming?!" She asked, something in her eyes that I've never seen before.

"If you're worried about her flirting with me or vice versa, you shouldn't be. We're engaged! Obviously I love you and wanna spend the rest of my life with you if we're engaged." I told her, taking her hands. 

"I love you Lexi. Not Andrea. Not anyone else. You." I said to her. She took a deep breath then smiled. 

"I love you too Kian." She leaned up, giving me a quick kiss. 

"Besides, we're gonna have fun tonight... and I can't wait for tomorrow." I added, this time whispering. 

"You're seriously the best..." She smiled, as I pulled her close to me, connecting our lips. 

"Kian, Lexi, you guys ready to go?" I heard Jc yell from downstairs. Lexi smiled into the kiss and I pulled away. 

"Yeah, we're coming." I yelled back. 

"We're always getting interrupted." Lexi laughed.

"We won't be tonight baby." I winked at her as we left my room and went down the stairs, not knowing what to expect from the night to come. 


i havent updated in sooooo long 


i didn't know what to write


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