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Lexi's POV

We had all just finished dinner and were now walking down the street on the way to where everyone's cars were parked. Kian hasn't talked to me since what happened earlier today. I told Harrison everything about when I was in my coma, and I feel like he understands me better now, and that we're closer now. 

"What time is your flight tomorrow?" Harrison asked me, interrupting me from my thoughts. 

"I actually don't know, I'll have to check tonight." I answered, looking around at all the stores and city lights. 

"Okay." He answered. 

"You okay?" I asked Harrison, seeing as he wasn't saying much at all. 

"Yeah. I'm fine." He smiled, taking my hand as we kept walking. 

"Who's riding with me?" Jc asked.


"I will." 

"I'll ride with Bobby." 

"We'll go with Bobby too." Harrison answered for the both of us. We reached the cars and Harrison and I got into the car with Bobby and Franny. 

"When are you leaving to go home?" I asked Harrison, resting my head on his shoulder, yawning. 

"I don't know yet..." He answered hesitantly.

"Are you sure?" I questioned.

"Yes I'm sure..." He whispered, barely audible over the music from the radio. It was a short drive home from the restaurant. 

"Lexi, do you wanna go with me to this really good bakery a couple blocks away?" Franny asked once we were inside. 

"Sure, uh, where'd Harrison go?" I asked, looking around the kitchen and living room, not seeing him anywhere. 

"I think he went upstairs to edit. I think it closes in an hour so we should go now." She slipped on her Birkenstocks, and I did the same. I put my cross body purse over my right shoulder before going out the door with Franny.

Harrison's POV

I heard the front door shut and I closed my door, then picked up my camera. 

"Bonjour guys..." I said. "I haven't really filled you guys in much lately...so tomorrow is Lexi's last day in Los Angeles, and it's actually mine too, but I haven't told her that yet. I really like her..." I smiled, feeling my face get warm.

"I need to ask her something and I wanted to get it on camera. We just got back from dinner and I asked Franny to get Lexi out of the house for a little bit, so right now they're going down to a bakery, and honestly I don't know what they're gonna do there but it's multiple blocks away and they're walking. It'll take them awhile." 

"I need to go get flowers and I need a lot of them. I'll be back." I said, shutting off the camera.

Twenty Minutes Later 

"Alright, Franny just texted me saying they're coming down the street and will be here any minute, and as you can probably see, I got flowers..." I turned the camera and showed my room. Rose petals scattered the floor and there was a vase of around two dozen roses on my desk.  

"I'm pretty nervous." I whispered. I set the camera down on the desk between some clothes. If the audio isn't good, I'll just insert the conversation. I heard the front door open and two girls' voices. 

"She's home." I whispered, finishing adjusting the camera and going to sit on my bed. I waited a minute or so.

"Lexi." I called loudly. 

"Coming." She yelled back. I felt my heart race, realizing I hadn't come up with exactly what I would say and how I would say it. I heard footsteps walking down the hallway, getting louder before stopping in front of my door.

"Come in love." I said. I saw the door open and my gorgeous girl stepped inside. Her mouthed opened slightly as she looked around.

"What is going on?" She asked, sounding concerned although she was smiling.

"Sit down." I patted the space on the bed next to me. She walked over and sat down.

"You're probably very confused as to why it looks like a flower shop threw up in my room..." I began, causing her to laugh. 

"A little, yeah." She commented.

"Well, as you know, I really like you. And I have a slight feeling you like me too." I said sarcastically, taking her hands in mine. "You're smart, beautiful, and you probably have the biggest heart of anyone that I've ever met. I've had so much fun these past few days and you make me so insanely happy... I want to make it official, instead of having to sneak kisses behind everyone's backs. So Lexi, will you be my girlfriend?" I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I let it all out. 

"Yes, I will Harrison. I'd love to." She smiled, as I stood up and she got up too, wrapping her arms tightly around my torso. I wrapped my arms around her, kissing her forehead. I let go and walked over to the desk, picking up the bouquet of roses in the vase.

"These are for you." I handed them to her.

"They're so pretty oh my gosh..." She smiled. "I'll go put them in my room." 

Once she'd walked away, I grabbed the camera and shut it off. I walked into her room to see her setting them down on the nightstand. 

"Knock, knock." I whispered. She turned around.

"I was gonna come back to your room." She said. 

"I know... I have to talk to you about something else." I sighed, as her smile faded.


what does he have to talk to her about?


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