Part 9

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Arriving on the Isle they went to the hang out of Mal's, "let's sit for a bit then we'll go get our hair re-done," Mal told her.

"Sounds good, I'm tired of this odd shade of blondish red color it faded into," Crystal sighed some.

"We'll find him, don't worry, its meant to be with you and Harry, we'll find him and get you two back into each other's arms," Mal told her.

"I know it's just, I never yelled at my mom or dad like that before, they were trying to force me to be with another guy and all and I got mad, if it wasn't for Chad who knows what my dad would have done," she admitted.

"I understand sweetie, but it's not meant to be with you and another guy and your parents don't understand that your true love is not a prince or someone from there," Mal told her with a smile.

"I totally agree, well, let's go see Dizzy," Crystal smiled.

"Let's go," Mal smiled back and they left go get their hair done, again.

Entering they see Dizzy sweeping up the floor, "Crystal?! Mal?!" she happily called and hugged them both.

"Hey Dizzy," they greeted.

"Is Evie here also?" Dizzy asked.

"As if," Mal huffed a bit.

"So what can I do for you two ladies?" she asked.

"Well, you once did Crystal's hair and Evie's and we both would like something done to our hair if you don't mind helping us out," Mal told her with a smile.

"Like what ladies?" Dizzy asked letting them sit down.

Mal smiled, "something that says it's me but you know more evil," Mal told her.

"And same with me madam," Crystal smiled making Dizzy laugh.

"I'm on it, I'll do Mal's first since her hair is lighter then move on to you my dear," Dizzy giggled.

"You are one goofy girl today," Mal told her.

"Well yeah, I have two of my favorite people back, I have the right to be," Dizzy responded as she did Mal's make-over.

As Mal's hair was drying she moved onto Crystal.

Soon both girls were looking into the mirror, "there we are Crystal, gosh it's good to be back," Mal smiled.

"I have to agree with you on that one," Crystal told her and paid Dizzy, "it's enough for both of us."

"Really? For me?" Dizzy asked.

"Yeah you earned it Dizzy," Mal told her.

She squealed a little and went to put it in her cash register when Harry walked in. Crystal wasn't in sight since she was looking around in another part of the room.

"Hand it over little runt," Harry told Dizzy, she handed over the money, "empty this too."

"Still doing errands for Uma or do you actually get to keep what you take?" Mal spoke up.

"Well, Well, Well, what do we have here?" he asked and walked over to her.

"Hi Harry," Mal spoke.

"Mal we should be-" was all Crystal got out.

"Crys?" Harry asked shocked to see her.

"Hi," was all she got out when he hugged her and kissed her.

"Awe, young love never dies," Mal smiled.

They stopped kissing, "god I missed you my love," Harry smiled hugging her more.

"I missed you as well honey, even though we talked all the time on the phones Ben got us," she replied hugging him.

"You do know Uma won't give you back your territory right Mal?" Harry asked her.

"Oh, well that's too bad since I'll be taking it," Mal replied.

Harry sighed, "Well love, shale we go visit the crew?"

"Is it okay Mal?" Crystal asked her.

"Yeah go girly its fine, just when you want your stuff it'll be at the hang out okay?" Mal told her as they hugged a little.

"Okay thank you, I will be back later to hang out some more," Crystal told her, "since we do kind of need to talk a little."

"I'll be there, go have fun for a while," Mal told her.

Crystal smiled and nodded to Dizzy, Mal got the hint and when Crystal and Harry were out of the building she pulled some money out, "and this is a little extra also since he took the other."

"You don't need to Mal, I'm used to it," Dizzy told her.

"Oh well, you earned it Dizzy," Mal told her.

Dizzy smiled and put the money in a hidden spot she has for some of the money she earns and watched as Mal left.

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