Part 14

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They got to the garage and parked, Jay and Carlos went and got the swords out as Evie, Mal and Lonnie were talking.

"It's good to see you Lonnie, welcome to the Isle," Evie told her.

"Thank you,"Lonnie smiled.

"And we have Dude," Carlos sighed, "I thought I told you to stay."

"I flunked obedience school," Dude told him.

"You're lucky we all love you," Carlos told him putting him on the ground.

"It's almost noon," Harry spoke up checking his watch.

"Let's go,"Mal replied looking over the wand, "and this is perfect."

They all nodded and Carlos looked at Dude, "stay, and I mean it."

Dude sat down with a sigh but ended up following again.

A sword fight broke out after Uma had the wand and Mal used it on Dude to make it seem like it worked, Harry was on Mal's side helping her get Ben back, which that pissed Uma off more then she already was pissed.Everyone, even Mal, Crystal and Harry ran to the limo and loaded into go back to Auradon.

Getting there Evie grabbed Mal and Crystal, "we need to talk," she spoke.

"no," Carlos spoke making the girls stop and look at him, "we're all family,we all have been through a lot and you two or three always run off to talk, we're tired of it."

The girls sighed.

"Now, everyone sit," Carlos spoke sitting down with Dude on his lap, "come on sit."

Everyone sat down.

"I don't know how to start girl talk," Carlos admitted.

"Uh, what'sup?" Jay asked and smiled seeing Harry and Crystal sitting next to each other.

"I just-" Mal started, "I'm lost, I'm confused and I know Crystal is as well,we both don't belong here, either does Harry, I honestly am nothing like Ben, I never could fit in without my spell book and we all know the love birds over there aren't anything like anyone here either."

They all smiled some, "we know, but, don't change who you are, you are one amazing girl Mal, you don't need to fit in, be who you want to be,same with you two over there," Jay told them, "you three, well all of us are our own selves, we don't have to fit in and be like everyone, we are children of the Isle, even though Crys wasn't born there she's more of a girl from the Isle then from here, we all will be ourselves and hang out together and if Ben or Chad or anyone can't realize that then they aren't the right ones to be around. Mal, if Ben loves you he will love you for who you are, not because you're trying to fit in but he will love you from the heart and love the Girl from the Isle. Crys, Harry even if her parents won't like the fact you two fell in love, oh well, it is your lives, be happy and be together all of us sitting here with you two know for a fact it is true love between you two or he wouldn't have helped get Ben back and be here with you right now, you two live your lives together until the day you two pass away, love is stronger than anything else."

"He's right Mal," Harry spoke up, "if Ben can't love the real you, then he's not the guy for you. I fell in love with Crystal here because she is one sweet, amazing, beautiful lady and even though she has royal blood in her, it doesn't matter to me, I fell with my heart and my heart knew it was meant to be. I know you love Ben, more then you want to admit to anyone, follow your heart."

Mal sighed and softly smiled a little.

"Oh crap Crystal tonight is the Cotillion; I need to finish your dress!"Evie spoke.

"Crap yeah,"Crystal smiled. She and Harry kissed and he watched as Evie and Crystal ran off to finish her dress.

"We better get you something to wear as well Harry," Carlos told him.

"Yeah, since I know she'll want me to go," he smiled.

The three boys with Dude started to leave, Jay sat down next to Mal, "come to the cotillion tonight, give him a chance and if it doesn't go right, I will drive you back tomorrow myself, just don't give up before trying okay?"

"okay," she sighed.

He smiled, got up and caught up with Harry and Carlos.

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