Part 29

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Meanwhile Ben wasat his desk when Mal came in, "Ben, I'm a little worried rightnow."

"About whatMal?" he asked as she sat in the chair beside him.

"Well, I onceover heard Crys and Harry talking and it was about the fact they bothmissed the Isle and the way things are over there," she told him.

He sighed, "yeah,I heard her once talking to Chad about that and he said it was up toher where she wanted to live and he'd support her on her choice. Iwas thinking that what if I had the barrier taken down but the onlyway anyone could get over here is with my written permission and themagic bridge that only myself and the driver have?"

"I like thatidea honestly, I mean only if you also add in that magic will stillbe banned there and all and that the royal court and us of course cancome and go as we please," she smiled.

"I'll writethis all down formally then make the announcement," he told herwith a smile.

"We'll makethe announcement silly since I'll stand by your side and all,"she replied.

"Okay you gotme there," he chuckled and wrote it all out, "here, as your firstact as a lady of the court and Queen to be, I want you to sign thedocument also."

She smiled andsigned it where he showed her to.

"There you justsigned your first official documented statement," he smiled.

"One down manyto go," she joked.

"Yes, many togo but only after you become my Queen you can sign the rest," hetold her.

"That's good,then it'll give me time to work on my signature better," shejoked pointing to the signature

"I like it asis, adorable just like you," he told her and kissed her.

"Sweet talkingme, what do you want?" she laughed.

"just to bewith you forever and ever and ever," he smiled.

"Well then youwill have me forever and ever and ever," she replied and theykissed again.

"Well then mylady, let's go hold a quick news conference so the ones on the Islewill see and hear as well," Ben smiled helping her stand after hewas standing.

"Let's doit," she smiled back and they went to where he holds all the newsconferences.

His parents werethere re-decorating, "hello you two, what's up?" his dad asked.

"Well, you twowill find out when everyone else does, can you get the press around?"Ben smiled softly.

"Of course,"Belle replied and they went to go get the press around.

Everyone showedup and Evie went up to Mal, "is everything okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, it'sall okay," Mal replied with a smile.

"okay," Eviereplied slightly confused.

Everyone was atthe Fish and Chips hanging out and Crystal was having the Shrimp shemissed.

"good dayeveryone, I called this conference for a reason, I have decided withthe help of my Lady right here that the main thing we can do to helpour friends is to have the barrier taken down but there are a fewrules that will come with this, no one can leave without my writtenpermission and without the driver or myself taking them, the onlyones that are allowed to come and go as they please are the royalcourt and magic will still be banned on the Isle, we know a few ofour friends that are from the Isle are missing their family or otherfriends that didn't want to come over here so we got talking anddecided this is one way we can help them visit with their friends andfamily," Ben spoke and everyone was shocked.

"Ben, what isthe real reason behind this?" a reporter asked.

"That is thereal reason behind this, we want our friends all to be happy and ifthey want to go back there to live they can but be free to come backand visit if they wanted to and also if anyone wanted to come here tolive and go to school they can and Evie can expand her range and getorders from people over on the isle and all as well, so the truth isthis is for helping our friends," Ben replied.

"This is insanearen't you afraid the Evil Queen or anyone else will come here andcause trouble like Mal's mom did?" another reporter asked.

"No, we'renot afraid of that, I know the Evil Queen and yes she would like toget her revenge but knowing her daughter is happy here she won't doa thing, the Evil Queen won't come here to do harm but only tovisit her daughter," Mal spoke up for Ben.

"That is all,"Ben told them and walked off camera with Mal.

Evie smiled andwent up to them, "you're mainly doing this since we all know thattwo certain love birds have been missing the Isle aren't you?"she smiled.

"Yeah, mainlyfor them two since like you said, we all know they miss it there eventhough Crys was there for a week she loved it there," Ben smiled.

"I knew it, butI like this idea since I can do what you suggested and expand mysales to over there as well and Carlos, Jay and I can go and see ourparents if we wanted or they can come here and visit us if they want,this is a good idea you two came up with," Evie told them with asmile as they hugged.

"Thank you,"they replied making everyone smile.

"It is a goodidea and I could possibly get my mom to like Dude here and make herrealize that dogs are good and not bad like she thinks," Carlossmiled.

"it is a goodidea," the rest of their friends told them.

Crystal lookedover at Harry, "this is weird it's like he read our minds," shejoked.

"It is weird heread them and scary," Harry joked back.

"Really scary,but its good he and Mal are doing this, it means we can do what wetalked about and all," she smiled.

'I love how youthink," he told her.

"What do youtwo mean?" Tom asked.

"We werehonestly going to talk to Ben about taking the Barrier down so we cancome and go as we pleased and also still have everyone's help overthere as we moved here," Harry told him.

"Wait, you meanit, the captains are coming home?" Tom asked.

"Yeah man, weare," Harry smiled.

"YES!"everyone cheered.

"But, it alsomeans Uma will be able to come back," Crystal spoke up.

"That is truebut you two are the captains now, not her, she left me in charge whenshe went there and told me I pick the rules and whoever I wanted ascaptain if I wanted to step down, well Harry was the first mate andhe got promoted to Captain and you are also the captain since you twoare married," Tom replied.

"Nice, well,maybe we should go tomorrow and tell everyone we're moving here?"Harry glanced at Crystal.

"Sounds goodbabe and also get the rest of our clothes and all," she smiled.

"Well then,until then we need to figure out where we'll be staying," Harrytold her.

"The ship,"Tom spoke up, "until you can get a place or whatever use the ship"

"Okay cool,plus I like the ship it's comfy," Crystal smiled.

"It is a goodcomfortable place," Harry replied.

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