Part 32

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Arriving at Auradon Prep Gil rushed outof the Limo just as it came to a stop and ran inside, "FairyGodmother!" he shouted seeing her go up the stairs.

"Gil, what's wrong?" Mal asked asFairy Godmother came down the stairs.

"We need you, now, outside, Crystal,"he panted out of breath.

Everyone's eyes went huge as they allrushed outside to find Harry carrying Crystal, her shirt was pulledup some and the bruising from the whips were present on her stomachand looked like they went up a little further as well, "what theheck?" Mal asked shocked.

"I'll explain later," Harrysoftly replied doing his best not to cry seeing his wife beaten likeshe was, the tears were flowing down Crystal's eyes as she clung toHarry, his heart broke into a million pieces seeing her in that muchpain.

"Bring her this way," FairyGodmother spoke leading the way to a room, "place her on the bedand please, step out, don't argue either, I know you two aremarried but I need to be able to focus."

Harry just nodded, afraid if he talkedhis voice would crack and the tears would fall more than they alreadyare. After he placed her on the bed he lightly kissed her, "I loveyou," he whispered in her ear then stepped out to where the otherswere at, closing the door behind him. He looked up at everyone,seeing the worried looks on their faces he just walked away and wentoutside, he wanted to be alone at the moment, and he knew nothinganyone would say would make things better. Feeling a hand on hisshoulder he turned and saw Carlos standing there.

"Look, I know everyone will tell youthe same old line, everything will be better, but I'm not goingto," he told him.

Harry nodded still afraid to talk.

"But, what I am going to tell you isto keep faith and hope to hell everything will be okay, you andCrystal will get through whatever the outcome is, I know you two willbe there for each other, we all will be here for you as well, also,it's okay to cry Harry, you're worried, you're scared andyou're pissed, don't hold it in, the more you do, the more it'lleat you alive, just let it out, if needed we can go to the gym, get asword each and do some sword fighting to help relieve the anger andeverything, but all and all stay strong for you and your wife andyour child, it'll be hard as hell to do but you can do it Harry, Iknow you can, yes we didn't get along that well back on the Islebut once we all came here, we started to get along all thanks to thatwife of yours making us realize that we can be friends and all, justdon't give up and be there for her," Carlos told him and thetears fell down Harry's cheeks.

"I tried protecting her Carlos," hestarted as they sat down on the ground to lean against the building,"I told her to hide in the closet, if I would have locked the dooror have some of the guys stay on the ship with us."

"Hey, don't eat yourself alive overthis, it's not your fault those evil jerks came onto the ship, ifyou did lock the closet door they could have killed her instead, youdid right by having her hide and even if you did have some of theguys on the ship the RP's still could have came on and a fightcould have broken out, this is NOT your fault," Carlos replied.

"I know it's not, I just feelworthless right now knowing my wife is in this much pain and there'snothing I can do besides sit and cry and hope to hell she doesn'tlose the baby, if she does I know we can always try again but damn wehave so much planned and a lot was given to us already for the baby,what would we do with everything?" he sighed.

"We can store it in your guy's oldroom so it'll be out of sight if she does lose the baby, but I havea feeling she won't, Fairy Godmother is amazing and with her onyour side, thing's should be okay," Carlos told him.

Dude came out and climbed onto Harry'slap, "I know you're down, we all are, just keep your chin up andstay strong," Dude told him.

"Thank you, both of you, I guess whatI needed was someone to talk to and a good friend to pet," harrytold them then a yawn came out.

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