Part 22

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The three of themwent to the Fish and Chips and walked in.

Uma looked over,"what in the world are you doing here?" she asked.

"Doing myfiancé a favor, Mike, Tim, Jake, Frank and Scott, Harry needs you,"she spoke and Frank hugged her.

"Wow he'sgetting married to such a beautiful lady, what spell is he under?"Frank joked.

"Shockinglynone," she told him with a smile.

"Why do theyneed to go?" Uma asked.

"To stand withHarry as his groomsmen," Crystal told her, "Look, Uma, I know wehad our troubles, but we are also friends, or do you not remember theday before I left when I first came here and told you that was thefirst week of a lifelong friendship?"

"I remember,"Uma replied softly.

"Then come andbe my last bridesmaid, I was going to have Ben come and get you butwhen Fairy Godmother told me that Harry told her the reason he keptlooking this was because he wanted these weirdo's to stand besidehim on his special day, and I want you, my first official best friendfrom the Isle to stand with me, I know you like Harry, and trust me,I'm over the fact you were trying to tell him I was over him, soplease Uma, come back and stand on my side with me," Crystal toldher.

Uma hugged her,"of course Crys, as you said, that week was the first week of alifelong friendship and I'm so sorry I told Harry that stuff, Iknew you would never move on from him, you two were meant to be."

"It's okaygirly, best friends always do weird things like that," Crystalreplied.

"That is true,well, let's go then," Uma smiled.

They all left tothe Limo, got in and Jay drove them to Auradon, "oh Harry does NOTknow yet that I came and got you all so please go with Jay and Benand when I bring Harry to the main area I will have his eyes coveredthen you all will come out and I will uncover his eyes," Crystaltold them once they got to the back of the University.

"Sounds good,"they all, even Uma spoke.

"okay, I willgo get him," she spoke and went inside to find him and FairyGodmother talking and having some Tea, "hey baby, can you come hereand close your eyes please?" she asked him.

He smiled andwent over to her, they kissed and he closed his eyes, she put herhands over them and nodded to Jay who brought everyone in with thehelp of Ben. The moment everyone was there she uncovered his eyes.

"okay, openthem," she told him.

"Oh my gosh!"he called and the guys all went into a group hug, "honey, you didthis for me?"

"Of course Idid, why didn't you tell me you wanted them to come here?" sheasked as they hugged.

"I was actuallygoing to surprise you and talk to Ben myself and bring Uma here tosurprise you," he told her with a smile.

"Nice love,"she told him.

"Gosh this isawesome having them four here," Harry smiled hugging Crystal more,"thank you a million times honey."

"You arewelcome honey," she told him.

They kissed andthey hear laughter then, "okay, okay save it for the wedding,"from Carlos.

"Funny," theyboth told him.

"Uma?" Malasked shocked.

"Hey, yeah I'mhere but because Crystal came and asked me to be here for thewedding," Uma told her, "Mal, I'm also really sorry for allthat went on."

"Hey, it'sthe past, we all leave the past in the past around here," Mal toldher as they hugged.

"That is true,"Uma chuckled.

"UMA!" Gillaughed and gave her a hug.

"Oh my, heyGil," Uma replied with a smile.

"Oh," Crystalstarted and Harry nodded to her, "since we have everyone, includingthe parents around right now, we all need to talk."

"okay,"everyone spoke.

"You may wantto sit for this," Harry told them trying not to smile.

Everyone sat downwondering what was going on, "guys?" Mal asked.

"well, uh,we're uh," Crystal stuttered a little seeing the look in herparents eyes.

"Crystal LynneCharming?" her mom spoke.

"We're,"she sighed, "damn, fine if you get pissed I really don't care,but Harry and I are going to have a baby. I'm a month pregnant."

Cinderella glaredat them but Fairy Godmother stood up, "don't even start younglady."

Cinderella got upand left followed by Henry, aka Prince Charming.

Crystal sat downand cried a little, she's hurt she hurt her mom and dad like this.

"Congratssissy," Chad told her giving her a hug.

"Thanks,"Crystal sighed trying to stop crying.

"Hey, ignoremom and dad okay, I'm happy for you two, we all are I can tell,"Chad told her.

"WE ARE!"everyone smiled.

"Congrats youtwo, this is amazing news since your engagement, you two will be suchamazing parents and the baby will be one spoiled kid by all of itsaunts and uncles," Mal spoke with a smile giving them both a hug.

"Thanks Mal,I'll be right back sweetie," Harry told Crystal.

"okay,"Crystal softly spoke and watched as he left.

"Mr. and Mrs.Charming, can I please talk to you two?" Harry asked them.

"Fine, talk,"Cinderella told him.

"look, I knowyou two are upset this is happening, but I can promise you that Ilove Crystal with my whole heart and soul or I wouldn't be marryingher, yes we are having a kid before we're officially married, butwe were also thinking of moving the wedding up with the help of FairyGodmother, your daughter is in there crying because of the way youare reacting, a true mom and dad would be happy their daughter fellin love and is starting a life of her own, but no, you two are tooselfish to realize your daughter is happy and in love, after thewedding if things aren't better, I'm taking her back to the islefor a while," with that Harry went back inside and sat down besideCrystal.

"any names yetyou two?" Jay asked.

"for a girl sheonce suggested the name Scarlett and for a boy we thought of Wyatt,"Harry told them with a smile.

"Beautifulnames," Evie told them, "I will so make the baby clothes and allfor you two as well."

"Thank youEvie," they both told her.

"If you allwant to, we can move the wedding up sooner," Ben suggested.

"Actually,"Fairy Godmother started, "with a little help from the wand, we canget everything left on the list, cake included and have it in let'ssay a day or so?"

"The dress isdone so is Harry's tux and all the other dresses but Uma's,"Evie smiled.

"I can get herdress as well with the wand," Fairy Godmother smiled.

"Well babe?"Harry asked her.

"I think FairyGodmother should get the wand and do a little bit of herbippity-boppity-boo," Crystal smiled.

"I will get itand we can," Fairy Godmother left to get the wand.

"Well, I guessBen here needs to make an announcement that the wedding is moved,"Evie smiled.

"I will dothat," Ben spoke and rushed off to make the live announcement.

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