Part 31

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Warning: A little abuse is in this chapter.

Two days laterHarry and Crystal were on the boat, lying in bed with the musicsoftly playing.

Crystal lookedover and saw he was sound asleep so she picked up the remote and shutthe music off and laid back down beside her husband. Hearing a weirdsound she listened closer, 'thump, drag, thump, drag,' is whatshe was hearing, "Babe," she spoke softly and shook Harry awake.

"hmmm?" heasked not opening his eyes yet.

"Listen," shewhispered.

Listening closelyhe heard the same sound and it sounded like someone was walkingacross the deck of the ship, "get in the closet, take your phone,I'll take mine and message a 1 if you need to call for help a 2 ifyou need to hide better and a 3 for its safe."

"Okay, please,be careful honey," she told him softly.

"I will be, nowhide," he whispered back and watched as she went into the huge walkin closet that was actually another room but they made it a closet.

She went all theway back behind the long dresses she hung up to keep them away fromthe front of the closet.

Slowly making hisway up the stairs he had his sword drawn in protection and to fightif needed. Peeking around the corner of the doorway he saw the onecrew that tired taking the ship away from his dad when it was his. Hesighed and messaged Crystal with a 2, knowing if he sent a 1 she'dpanic and he doesn't need her to be too scared about what is allgoing on. He turned the sound all the way off on his phone andmessaged a couple guys from the Pirate Crew, 'get to ship, stay outof sight, Ragging Pirates' is all he said. Looking at his phone heread the message, 'I'll get the crew, and all of them but Umasince Gil is here for a bit also.' He sighed and hoped they wouldcome soon.

"Go that way,check below!" the captain of the RP's called to a guy. The guynodded and Harry rushed down to the closet to hide with his wife andto protect her.

Getting into thecloset he went to the back, "shut the sound off on your phone andkeep it so no one can see the screen if it lights up, stay back hereand trust me, I'll be careful, just protecting you, I love you."

"I love you tooand the sound is off and all, babe, what's going on?" shewhispered.

"Just some badpirates is all," he told her, "I'm going to the front, after Iput this shirt on, and keep you safe."

She nodded andwatched as he slipped his shirt on then quietly moved to the front ofthe closet. She moved just right so she was behind everything and noone could see her. Hearing the closet door open she froze in fear.

"Get of myship," Harry warned.

The guy laughedand soon the door was closed, she hit her power button on her phoneto wake it up but nothing, it was dead, she wanted to cry. Soon shewas grabbed and carried up the stairs; fighting the whole way up shetried to get free.

"Tie her to thetable!" the captain shouted.

"Let her go,take me," Harry tried to plead.

"Nope, I haveboth," the captain slurred.

Harry glanced atCrystal and lightly nodded to let her know she'll be okay and tostay calm.

"So, who goesfirst, Captain Hooks son, or his friend here?" the captain spoke.

"Neither,"they hear and the pirate crew was standing there, "let Harry andhis wife go, get off our ship or have hell to pay."

"Wife?" thecaptain asked looking at Harry.

"Yeah, got aproblem with a Hook getting married?" Harry smirked only to gethit.

"I do have aproblem when it's to such a beautiful girl who isn't his type,"the captain spoke, "you know what, do it boys!"

Before anyonecould stop him the one crew member on the RP's took a whip and usedit on Crystal, she did her best not to show the pain but knew if hehit her to much she could lose the baby.

"STOP!" Harryhissed his eyes full of anger as he fought his way out of the ropesthat had him held to the pole.

The Pirate Crewall started a sword fight with the RP's, one cut him loose and herushed over and took the whip from the guy who was ready to hitCrystal again, he already hit her three times as it is. He took theguys sword and cut Crystal free, "go to the shore, now, I'll bethere soon," he told her and walked in front of her so no one couldtake her, one of his crew took her to the shore to protect her onthere, "now, you, over there!" he shouted pissed off.

The guy walkedbackwards and stood by his captain.

"I swear toGod, if you made her loose the baby, you will be shark bait, or I canjust go find Tick-Tock-Croc and let him have at you, now get the helloff our ship!" Harry called.

The captainglared and stood his ground, "whose ship?"

"MINE!" Harryshouted and the two of them started sword fighting, soon the RPcaptain was up against the side of the ship, one swift move he'd beshark bait, "now, what is your choice, leave or shark bait?"

The captain justglared.

"Just go, getthe hell out of here," Gil spoke moving Harry's sword point fromthe captain's chest.

The captain andhis crew left, "you won this time Hook, but next time you won't!"he shouted and left on his own ship.

Harry tossed thesword onto the deck of the ship and ran to Crystal, "let's gether to Fairy Godmother," he spoke picking her up.

Gil took Harry'sphone and called Ben, "hey, get the bridge ready and come get us,we'll explain when we get there."

Getting to thegarage Harry sighed and hoped someone would come soon, seeing theLimo coming a soft smile came to his lips, it came to a stop and Gilopened the door allowing Harry to get in with Crystal.

"Whathappened?" Ben asked.

"Some badpirates came around, found me in the closet then suddenly another guycame up with her in his arms, he tied her to the table and one otherguy used a whip on her," Harry sadly replied.

Ben's eyes went huge, "get in,we'll hurry and get her there," he was pissed that someone woulddo that to her. He knew, well hoped Fairy Godmother would be able tohelp her and save the baby, they all are happy for Harry and Crystaland they both have extremely excited since they found out they aregoing to be parents.

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