Part 16

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Fairy Godmotherlooked over and saw Captain Hook there, she nodded and he came ontothe ship and went up to Beast and Belle, "is my son actuallystaying there?" he asked.

"Yes, he hasfalling in love with Crystal Charming and everyone can tell it'strue love," Belle smiled.

"You can comeover as well Captain," Beast smiled.

"Are you sure?"Captain Hook asked.

"I'm sure,and I know my son, the King, won't mind either," Beast smiled.

"This will be asurprise to Harry," he laughed and took the glass of champagne thatwas served to him, Belle and Beast both took one, "to a newfriendship."

"To a newfriendship," Belle and Beast both smiled.

"GIL!"Crystal smiled.

"Yes dear?"he laughed as they hugged.

"Get yourstuff, you're tagging along with Harry and I, if you refuse I ampacking you myself and he'll carry you," she smiled.

"Wait what doyou mean?" Gil asked shocked.

"King Ben gavea few of us a list of kids to come and get and you're on our listto come to Auradon for a second chance in life," Harry told him.

"Sweet, I'llgo pack," Gil smiled and rushed to his house that wasn't too faraway from there.

Crystal looked upat Harry, "what's going through your mind?" she asked.

"Just thinkingof how lucky I am to have you in my life," he told her with asmile.

"Awe babe,"she giggled as they hugged.

Gil came back,"let's go get the rest."

"Let's go,"they both replied.

"Wow, you candress up you two," Gil smiled.

"Yeah, it wasfor a ball type thing," Harry smiled back.

They gathered upthe rest of the kids on their list and met up with everyone back onthe ship.

Seeing his dadthere Harry sighed and walked over to him, "what?" he askedsoftly.

"I'm taggingalong," Hook spoke.

"Wait, what?"Harry asked confused.

"My mom and dadsaid it was okay and they talked to me about it and I said it wasfine also, I mean if it's okay with you Harry," Ben told him.

"Uh, yeah, yeahit's fine with me," Harry smiled as he and his dad hugged.

"Good, I wasgoing to anyways," Hook joked, "this must be the beautifulCrystal that stole your heart," he smiled seeing her walk up tothem.

"Yes dad, thisis my girlfriend Crystal, Crys this is my dad, Captain Hook," Harryintroduced.

"nice to meetyou sir," Crystal greeted.

"Nice to meetyou as well dear," Hook smiled and lightly kissed her hand.

Harry and herboth smiled, "I'll be right back okay sweetie?" Harry told her.

"I'll beeither here or just find our friends and you'll find me," shesmiled.

They kissed, "Ilove you and I will be back."

"I love you tooand I know you will be silly," she smiled and watched as he wentover to her parents.

Evie walked up toher with Dizzy, "CRYSTAL!" Dizzy smiled.

"Dizzy! I washoping you were one that would be coming with us," Crystal smiledas the hugged.

"I'm soexcited to be going to Auradon, thank you King Ben for this chance,"Dizzy smiled.

"You'rewelcome Dizzy, when Evie asked if a few other kids could come hereand mentioned you were the main one that needs a chance, I just hadto bring everyone here," Ben smiled as he and Dizzy hugged.

Soon Harry walkedup to Ben and everyone, "Uh, can I talk to you Ben?" he asked.

"Yeah," Benreplied and they walked away.

Mal and Crystalshared a confused look and shrugged.

"Awe, they cantalk without talking," Jay joked as he put his arm around Crystal'sshoulders.

"Which is kindof scary," Carlos joked.

"It can be,can't it?" Mal and Crystal replied as they held hands as friendsof course.

Soon they hear,"Attention!" from Laminar.

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