Part 20

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A month laterCrystal woke up sick to her stomach, she had a feeling what the issuewas. She was alone in the bedroom since Harry was hanging with theguys that day, she smiled seeing the note he wrote her with an outfitpicked out as well, she went over and read;

'Baby girl,this is the best outfit for you to wear today, I love you always andforever, also you get the pirate hat today if you want, It's mynon-pirate day but it can be your pirate day since I know you havepirate clothes my love, which is the outfit I picked for you, I willsee you later today, have a great day today, love you always, Harry,'

She smiled andgot dressed in the outfit that he picked out for her. She sighed alittle as she brushed her hair and did her makeup. She finishedgetting ready and went to find the fairy god mother. Finding her shewalked up to her, "uh, Fairy godmother can we talk, alone please?"

"Of courseCrystal," Fairy Godmother told her and took her to a room no oneuses, "are you okay dear?"

"uh, I'm notsure," Crystal replied closing the door.

"Oh dear, whatis it?" Fairy Godmother asked her sitting beside her.

"Just, lastmonth a certain thing happened between Harry and I and I think Icould be you know," Crystal spoke unsure how to say what she wantedto say.

"You two andnow you think you are pregnant?" Fairy godmother asked.

"Yeah that, isthere a test of some sort you can do in private?" Crystal asked.

"There is, butwe'll have to go to my room to do it," Fairy Godmother told her,"so come on girly, let's go."

Crystal smiled,"also, thank you."

"for whatdear?" Fairy Godmother asked.

"For the help,for being here for me and just being so kind to me and happy forHarry and I," Crystal told her.

"Dear, I toldyou the day you were born that I will always be here for you, you areone special young lady and I will always be here for you, that is onepromise I will always keep," Fairy Godmother told her as theyhugged.

"I know,"Crystal told her as they entered the room.

"Okay dear, Ineed a drop of blood," Fairy Godmother told her.

Crystal poked herfinger and Fairy Godmother got the blood she needed.

"It won'ttake long," Fairy Godmother told her and she just nodded, "noneed to be worried dear, I'll be here to help if you are."

"I know youwill be just, I guess nervous and worried if I'll be a good mom ifI am and if Harry will be happy or not."

"Girl that boyloves you, if you are he'll be excited," Fairy Godmother told herwith a smile.

"Yeah, you'reright on that," Crystal smiled, "Fairy Godmother, what would yousay if I told you that I'm not happy here in Auradon and it'slike before I went to the Isle?"

Fairy Godmothersighed a little, "I can kind of tell sweetie, but, is it also thewhole wedding planning that is getting you down and worn out?"

"Yeah, it couldbe that also, I just, Harry is a huge help, but I feel like it'sonly us that's doing the planning even though everyone told usthey'd help us if we needed it," she sighed and felt the tearsslowly fall down her cheeks.

Fairy godmothersat down beside her and hugged her, "I am so sorry honey, you andHarry take a while off from the planning and let Jane and I take overfor at least a week or two, since I have a copy of your plans andeverything you guys have done, I can also see it in your eyes there'smore, what is it sweetie?"

"Just, Ihonestly think Harry kind of misses it over there on the Isle and thewhole causing trouble and everything and I feel like I'm keepinghim from it and all," Crystal softly spoke.

"Hey, you'renot holding him back Crys, I know he does look that way but I talkedto him once and he just said there's a few of the guys from thePirate Crew he wishes were here so they can stand on his side whenthe wedding comes, I already plan on talking to Ben and letting youand Harry go there to get those guys so they can come here to stay orjust be here for the wedding," Fairy Godmother told her.

"he never toldme he wanted a few of the guys to stand on his side from there,"she sighed softly, "but yeah we should talk to Ben about it, kindof surprise Harry in a way since I know what guys he's talkingabout."

"That would begood, surprise him, have some of his old friends here he was theclosest to besides Gil that is since he's here already," FairyGodmother smiled and the timer went off, "I'll check."

Crystal noddedsoftly.

Fairy Godmothersmiled, "Well, I think you need to talk to Harry and tell him somegood news, congrats sweetie."

"I-We're,"she asked and fairy god mother nodded, "wow, my parents will killme."

"Nope, that'sone thing you don't know, after I helped your mother that night andshe and your dad got married, she and I made a promise that if thetime comes for you to get married and have kids and everything that Iwill be the most helpful with the planning and everything and shecannot get mad or yell or anything, yes I know she got mad when youtold her you fell in love with Harry, but she and I had a good talkthat day as well and she admitted she wasn't thinking straight orabout the promise we made each other, so dear, I will be there whenyou tell your mom and dad, but tonight, you need to talk to that manof yours about this," Fairy Godmother told her, "and if yourparents get upset, I will do the yelling towards them."

"Thank you, Ialways thought of you as the good mom and Cinderella the evil mom ina way," Crystal smiled.

"That'sbecause I am the good one," Fairy Godmother joked.

"So true,"Crystal laughed and her phone went off, "hey babe, yeah I'mtalking with Fairy Godmother about some stuff," she paused andFairy Godmother nodded, "yeah, uh can-can you meet us in our room?Yeah I need to talk to you about some stuff, yeah Fairy Godmotheralready knows, okay honey, I love you too," she hung up.

"Let's go,I'll be there to help if needed," Fairy Godmother told her.

"Thank you andlet's go," Crystal smiled and the two left to go meet up withHarry in their room.

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