Part 19

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A few hourslater, everyone was sitting around the sitting room of theUniversity, "well?" Mal asked Harry and Crystal.

Crystal smiledand nodded to him, "exactly four months from today," Harry toldeveryone.

"Sweet! I needto work on the dress starting today," Evie smiled, "I am so happyfor you two, you are a perfect match."

Crystal smiled asshe leaned into Harry some.

"Are you twookay?" Belle asked.

"Yeah,perfectly fine," Harry smiled holding Crystal close.

Belle and Beastshared the knowing what they did look with each other.

"Oh Crystaldear," Belle spoke with a smile.

"Yes my othermom?" Crystal giggled

"FairyGodmother and I are going to help plan and Mrs. Potts offered to dothe cooking and the cake if you want her to," Belle replied.

"Well of courseshe can, she's an amazing chef and baker," Crystal smiled.

"Why thankyou," they hear.

Looking overCrystal smiled and got up and gave Mrs. Potts a hug, "you'rewelcome and it is the truth you are an amazing chef and baker."

"I agree withher on that and agree with you doing the cooking and the cake and allas well, since I was actually going to talk to you myself," Harrysmiled as Crystal sat back down with him.

"Well, then Iwill go to the kitchen and you can come find me," she joked,"actually I came here with these few ideas for the cake and wasgoing to see where you two were to pick out a design."

Crystal took thebook and the two of them looked at it and Harry reached over andpointed to one that was a ten layer, white cake with fondant aroundthe bottom of each layer that can be colored. Crystal looked up athim and he smiled, she nodded.

"We have pickedthe cake," Harry told Mrs. Potts and showed her the one they agreedon.

"Perfectchoice, now flavors and colors?" Mrs. Potts spoke sitting downbeside them with her note book so she can write it all down.

"Flavor will bechocolate and strawberry since she and I both like thosecombinations, the main cake white with the colors are red, black andpurple," Harry smiled and handed her a drawing, "with that as thetopper if you can please."

"Of course, whodrew it?" Mrs. Potts asked.

"I did to behonest, when she was asleep last night I couldn't really get tosleep since I was worried she'd have one of her dreams again and Idrew that out and want it to be a surprise for someone," hereplied.

"Of course itwill be a surprise, a great one at that," Mrs. Potts replied hidingthe drawing in her cake book, "I will draw this up with the colorsand if you think of any details let me know and I'll add them tothe drawing then when it's perfect, I can start on it a week or sobefore the wedding so it'll be all the way done."

"Just surpriseus Mrs. Potts, we trust you," Harry told her making Crystal nod inreply.

Crystal lookedover at him, "are you okay babe?" she asked.

"Yeah, justfeels odd not to wear the trench coat all the time is all but it'sa little too warm here for it," he replied.

"That is trueit is warm here for it," Chad told him with a smirk.

"Yes it is, butI told you, you can still wear the pirate stuff here if you want tohoney," Crystal smiled.

"I know, buttoday was my non-pirate day," he told her with a smile.

"Okay, you gotme there babe," she giggled.

"Spill it, whyare you two in such a great mood today when we have class in a few?"Ben asked.

"Just happy tobe here, be away from Uma and her issues, just happy to be withCrystal and get to wrap my arms around her anytime I want to and justhappy to have great, amazing friends here to talk to when needed andhave my dad here all happy as well and getting to marry the one girlI fell in love with and fall in love with her more each and everyday," Harry smiled.

"Awe, you haveso changed son and it's for the good and honestly, I like this sideof you, when we were over on the Isle you were all unhappy anddepressed in a way but when Crystal came around everyone there couldtell it was for the good and when you came here after the sword fightwe all knew that you would leave with her," Hook told him.

"Yeah, I knew Iwould as well and when the chance came to help save Ben and all, Itook the chance and also I was getting tired of Uma and her alwayshitting on me and saying Crystal moved on and all," he rolled hiseyes a little.

"Which I overheard her say that once and kind of gave her a piece of my mind,let's just say I don't think she's a member of the fan clubanymore," Crystal joked about the fan club part.

"Which isperfectly fine," everyone spoke making Harry and Crystal laugh.

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