Part 12

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Mal, Harry andCrystal were in the hang out talking, "gosh Mal, I forgot how muchI loved it here until we came back," Crystal told her as she andHarry were cuddling in the chair.

"I know whatyou mean, we belong here not there with the pretty pink princessesand all," Mal told her as she was spray painting a picture on thewall.

"I agree thisis our home, this is where our hearts tell us to be," Crystal toldher.

"I'msurprised not to see a picture of myself with horns and a pitchfork," they hear.

Looking over Benwas in the doorway of the hang out.

"Ben?" Malasked.

"Mal, I'm sosorry for the argument," he went to walk to her but she stoppedhim.

"Ben don't, Idon't belong there, Crystal and I don't belong there, this iswhere we belong," Mal told him.

Ben sighed, "Mal,please, come home so we can talk about this."

"Ben, I amhome, this is my home, I'm not a pretty pink princess, I don'tfit in over there," Mal told him.

Ben sighed,"everyone loves you, I love you," he told her giving his ringback to her.

She sighed andput the ring in his hand and closed it so he was holding the ring,"I'm not going back there Ben."

Ben sighed andsaw how happy Crystal was also and left.

"Where arethey?" Evie asked.

"they aren'tcoming back," Ben spoke and walked away from them.

"I'll talk tothem," Evie sighed, "M? Mal it's Evie, let me talk to you twofor a minute."

"Just go away,"Mal sighed locking the door so it won't open.

Crystal lookedover, got up and hugged her, "it's okay Mal, they'll understandeventually."

"Guys? Where'sBen?" Carlos asked.

"Ben?" Eviecalled, "Ben, don't scare us like that," she spoke seeingsomeone walk up to them.

One of the piratecrew walked up to them, "Mark?" they all asked.

"Where'sBen?" Evie asked.

"If you wantthe King, have Mal meet up with Uma at Fish and Chips tonight alone,"he spoke and walked away from them.

Jay sighed andclimbed up the side of the stairwell and opened the door for the restto come up.

"Mal, Uma hasBen," Evie spoke making everyone jump.

"If youwouldn't have brought him here we wouldn't have this problem,"Mal angrily spoke.

"Mal, we had tocome with him, he was going to come here no matter what to try to getyou or both of you to come back," Evie replied, " we had nochoice."

"Just great,what do we do now?" Mal asked.

"You need tomeet up with Uma at Fish and Chips alone tonight," Carlos spoke.

"We'll gowith you, just in case, since you'll have to go through the piratecrew as well," Jay told everyone.

"She has to goalone, so I know what I'm doing," Carlos replied sitting down onthe couch.

"Yeah, we'llbe here when you get back," Jay spoke.

"Mal, becareful please, I know how Uma is," Harry told her.

"I will be,"Mal told everyone and left to go talk to Uma about getting Ben back.She entered Fish and Chips, "I'm Back!"

"Loser, tablefor one right here," Uma spoke and pushed a chair to Mal whostopped it making Uma laugh.

"Where is he?"Mal instantly asked after sitting down.

"He's safe,don't worry," Uma spoke and put her arm up on the table to armwrestle, "if you win, you get your king back."

"It's on,"Mal replied and they started arm wrestling.

"Don't youwant to know what I get if I win?" Uma asked even though Mal wasslightly winning.

"Not a chance,"Mal spoke.

A bit later Umasays, "If I win, you bring me the wand," making Mal lose herconcentration so she could win the match, "bring me the wand to mypirate ship tomorrow at noon or you can say bye to your baby."

Mal sighed andgot up and left, "guys we're now in trouble."

"What went on?"Evie asked.

"Uma basicallycheated at the arm wrestling and now I have to bring her FairyGodmothers wand," she huffed as she sat down.

"We cannot giveher the wand," Evie sighed.

"She can't betrusted with it," Carlos spoke.

"Guys, your 3Dprinter," Mal smiled.

"In my sleep,"Carlos smiled.

"She'll wantto test it and she'll know it's a fake," Evie sighed.

"We'll need adistraction," Mal thought.

"Smoke bombs,"Jay suggested.

"Yes, you twogo and make the wand, be back no later than noon," Mal told them,"we'll make the smoke bombs."

"Crys, Harrywant to come back with us for a bit so you can talk to Chad at leastand let him know what's going on and also Chad wanted to talk toHarry," Jay asked.

"We can if youwant," Crystal told Harry.

"Go you twosheesh," Evie joked making Harry and Crystal laugh.

"I guess shejust answered for me," Harry smiled, "we'll come back when theydo so we can help get Ben back."

"Sounds good,"Mal and Evie spoke.

They left withJay and Carlos, "oh true love is so amazing," Evie smiled.

"It is truelove between them, we all saw it in his eyes when we ran into themthe first day she was here, it was like something snapped in them andpulled them close like all true love," Mal spoke with a smile.

"Like I thoughtyou and Ben had," Evie sighed.

"Yeah," wasall Mal said as they walked over to the salon.

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